Why does bad come to good people? || Tanya

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It is my sister's birthday today but I did not think I would have time to upload but I do, and because of some really sweet comments, I thought it was unfair to leave you all on a plot twist for about ten years, knowing me!

Love you, enjoyyy!


Zoe goes red and starts to breath heavily. I suddenly feel she is having a panic attack and I run to her, terrifed if she slumps on the floor.

"Zoe! We need to get back, your having a panic attack!" I gasp, trying to pull her up. She doesn't work with me and she sits still.

"I... am... a...am fine... Tan" she pants. "Just... leave... me to... calm myself down... you explore this mess... I... will be... fine."

I don't want to stay here, with Zoe panicking and the scary feeling that Dom is stuck somewhere, or even dead, but something is telling me to continue. I look at Zoe, breathing heavily again, and I know that if I am continuing, she has to come with me. I can't leave her alone like that.

"C'mon Zoe, I am not leaving you." I crouch beside her and hug her. "It will be okay" I murmur, sighing with relief as I feel her heart beat slow back down to normal. I am nervous because what if my anxiety comes? Jim is the only person that can calm me down, as stupid and lovey dovey as it sounds.

"Okay.. Thanks Tan" She says, slowly getting up and leaving against me as I support her. She still feels a bit worried but she manages to let go off me and hold my hand. We walk slowly through each room. I remember my meeting about 'Love Tanya,' the first one. Dom and everyone were smiling at me, clapping me after I finished my speech about my aims of the book. Dom telling me in private that he was proud of me. Also, I remember my meetings in general. Future video ideas, modelling magazines and jobs on offer for me and just work. But I always enjoyed it. Coming into Google made me happy and I made friends with Nick the Stick (jokey name), Jenny and Andrew with his terrible but funny jokes about youtubers.

And now it is this.

The meeting room is the worst site to look at. The wallpaper is hanging off the walls which looks worse than the wallpaper being riped off all together. The chairs are all messy and the white board (on the small stage) has a scary, never ending looking hole. Like a black pit, going on forever. It is all freaky as hell. Suddenly, I feel myself going red. My heart starting to beat so fast, it is like a rocket about to launch. I feel so floppy and suddenly every part of the air in the room that I try to take in is running away from me, laughing at me like I am a big failure.

Because I am.

Zoe seems to have fully recovered from her panic attack and looks more certained on me.

"Tan!" She gasps, as I slump onto the floor, laying against it and feeling my eyes sting with tears. I am shaking, my heart screaming at me to get up. But I physically can't do anything. My body is limp and my breaths become ragid and horrible.

I open my eyes quickly to see, through my blurry vision, that Zoe is staring at something on the wall that looks like a note, before she gasps, spins to me and helps me up.

"Tan, we are going back. I need to get you to Jim, and quick" she says, throwing one of my arms around her shoulder and she supports me back to the car. She sits me in my seat, gives me some water and turns a disc on where the sound of waves fill the car. I assume that is what helps her in a car if she is having a panic attack. She shuts her door and kisses me on the cheek before turning on the car.

"This always helps me" she says calmly to me, her sound flowing up and down the waves. "Look out the window and shut your eyes, Tan. We will be home soon."

And thats the last thing I hear before my heart goes so fast that a flash of pain bounches on me and everything goes black.


I hear muttering, whispering and lots of moans. Slowly, I open my eyes and I remember everything. The pain, the car and worst of all, the state of Google.

I gasp for air, feeling relieved that the air comes to me, instead of laughing at me, and I flop back on the bed. I feel Jim's soft hand stroke my head and he whispers, "shhhh, Tan. It's okay, It is Jim. I am here now and will be forever."

It always calms me when Jim says he will be here forever.

I open my eyes again and see Jim, Zoe and Alfie all peering down at me with sadness in their eyes.

"Tan, I have told them everything. I was so worried when you passed out in the car, I did not know what to do!" She whispers, hugging me tightly. Alfie smiles weakly at me.

"I'm glad your okay now" he says.

I smile back weakly at them all. "What are we going to do about Google, about everything? Jim?" I look at his worried face.

Jim always has the answers. He knows what to do in all situtations. But this is different. He says the three words I fear the most, the three that make me want to die.

"I don't know."


I never knew I could be so deep. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I love you all and I will try and speak to you all again very soon with a new chapter!

I don't know if this was long enough but I hope it was okay for you, comment if you enjoyed it!

Comments really push me to do better! Please comment something, even a '❤️' would make me happy and make me update quicker (it's true im sorry tbh!)

Comment and vote if you enjoyed it, ily


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