Chapter Fifteen

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Jordan's POV
Cade and I have been making out in his bed for most of the day. Kyle hasn't check on us all day. I've completely forgotten about Kyle downstairs. It's about 5pm now. Suddenly we hear a knock on the door. It's Kyle.

"Jordan. Cade. You two alright? It's been all day" we hear him say.

"I'm going to tell him you're asleep, alright?" I whisper in Cade's ear

"Ok. Will you come back in?" he whispers back.

"Yes. I will" I whisper back and then kiss him again. I get out of Cade's bed and walk to the door. I open it a little bit and walk out into the hallway. I see Kyle standing in front of the door outside.

"Hey. Cade is asleep" I say when I get out to the hallway.

"I brought him up some chocolate chip cookies. Does he want any when he wakes up?" Kyle asks.

"I'll ask him when he wakes up" I say back. Kyle and I stand there for a few seconds. I really want the three of us to talk but Kyle is the last person Cade wants to see right now.

"I'm going to Target to pick up a few things. You or Cade need anything?" he asks.

"Can you get some more of those cookies you and I love so much. We're all out" I say back.

"Sure will. I'll be back in a few" he says. He leans in and kisses me before heading downstairs. I watch as he walks back down. He grabs his keys and goes to the garage. I see him back out into the driveway and drive off. I stare longingly out the window just wanting the three of us to be in a relationship together. The three of us would be so happy together. I come back to reality and walk back into Cade's room.

"Is Kyle gone?" Cade asks as I sit on his bed.

"Yes. He left" I say back.

"Good. Let's get back to where we were" Cade says wrapping his arms around me

"Cade I really think we should talk about Kyle" I say back.

"What about him?" he asks.

"Look. I know you're really resenting him and pushing him away because he called a therapist to come here and talk to you without your permission. That was a shitty thing to do but he really does love you. He'll do anything for the people he loves. When we left mom and dad when we were 16, Kyle and I lived in the shittiest apartment. One bedroom and the kitchen in one room. We didn't even have a bed. We slept on the carpet with pillows and blankets. I really thought we had hit rock bottom. Kyle made it so much better. He made that hell heaven. All by making the place brighter and nicer. Just having him there made it all so much better. I really think that if you give Kyle a chance, you'll see how incredible of a guy he really is. Please give him a chance, buddy" I say.

"Jordan just because you love him doesn't I have to. He really hurt me" Cade says back.

"I know he did but all Kyle wants to do is love you. He wants to be there for you. He was always there for me and he turned me into the person I am now. If you'll let him be there for you, think of how happy the three of us will be together" I say back.

"I do picture the three of us being together and happy" Cade says.

"If you give Kyle a chance, that can easily happen" I say with a smile.

"Alright, Jordan. If it means that much to you, I'll give Kyle a chance when he comes back" Cade says.

"That's all I want. Thank you, baby bro. You'll be glad you did" I say with a smile.

"Can we make out more until he gets back?" Cade asks.

"Come here, cute boy" I say.

Cade crawls into my arms and we continue to make out. I kiss Cade a little more passionately than I normally would. Just knowing he's going to give Kyle a chance makes me so happy. I really do hope that they will become close and the three of us can all live together as boyfriends. Between you and me I've always really wanted a three way. One with my two brothers makes me so fucking hard. If Cade and Kyle can make this work, our lives will be beautiful.

Kyle's POV
I bring my cart back out to my car. I load up all of the things I bought. Food, clothes, shampoo and bodywash. Really just things the three of us were low on. I always go to Target when we need things. I even found an awesome tank top that I think Cade will love. I load everything into my car and start driving. I pass by Ice Cream Palace and buy oreo concretes for the three of us. I then drive home. I pull into the driveway and park in the garage. I turn my car off and get out. I unload my car and bring everything inside. I walk to the bottom of the stairs.

"Jordan. Cade. I'm home. Are you two still upstairs?"

"Yes. We'll be down in a second" I hear Jordan say. I walk back into the kitchen and start putting things away. A good few minutes go by before Jordan and Cade come down.

"Hey bro. How was Target?" Jordan asks.

"It was awesome. I got this for you" I say as I throw Jordan the bodywash I got for him.

"Awesome. I was running low on this. Thanks man" Jordan says with a smile.

"Cade. I found this for you. I saw it and thought you might really like it" I say showing him the tank top. Cade gets a huge smile on his face when he sees it.

"I love it, Kyle. Thank you" he says taking it.

"You're welcome, bro" I say back. "I also stopped at Ice Cream Palace and got us all oreo concretes. Do you guys want to sit on the deck? It's nice outside tonight?" I ask.

"I'd love that. Can I sit next to you, Kyle?" Cade asks.

"Sure, buddy. You can sit next to me" I say with a smile.

The three of us walk outside. Cade and I sit on the couch on the patio and Jordan takes the chair. The three of us eat some of our ice cream before saying anything. We don't want it to melt. The three of us talk for a while and enjoy the rest of the evening. We sit outside and talk for most of the night. Jordan and Cade look at each other for a second.

"Well I'm going to go to bed. You two stay out here and talk for a while longer" Jordan says.

"Alright. Goodnight, bro" I say.

"Goodnight, Jordan" Cade says.

"Goodnight bros" Jordan says as he walks inside. Cade and I look at me and we smile at each other.

"What did you and Jordan do in your room all day today?" I ask

"Just talked" he says back.

"Listen, Cade. I'm sorry about that therapist. I really should have listened to you. You're 18 now and you are your own person with your own life. I'm sorry if I hurt you" I tell him.

"Don't worry about it, Kyle. I get that you were just trying to help. You were trying to be a good big brother. You were just trying to help. I really appreciate it" Cade says.

"I really do love you, Cade. All I want is to be your older brother" I say to him.

"I know, Kyle. I love you too. You are such a good big brother. You really take the time to look after me. You really do keep me in mind. It's awesome knowing that I have someone who really cares about me" he says.

"I'll always be here for you, bro" I say.

Cade and I sit on the patio for the rest of the night. We take a walk around the block. We talk while we walk. We get back to our house and lay on the hammock in the backyard. I lay on the bottom while Cade puts his head on my chest. A little while goes by and eventually we're both asleep.

Fun night if you want my opinion.  

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