Chapter Twenty-seven

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A day later

Cade's POV
I finish getting dressed. Silver and black stripped briefs, black sweatpants, a Friends sweatshirt. I walk out into the living room and sit on the couch. I can hear Ben making breakfast. It smells like French toast. I love it. Ben is such a good cook. I sit down on the couch, get my phone out and watch Smosh on youtube. They always make me laugh.

Ben helped me move in with him a few days ago. I called him and he knew right away that I was upset. I told him all of what happened. He came over right away and helped me move everything out and in with him. How we didn't wake Jordan is beyond me. He and I now live in his college apartment. Technically I'm not supposed to live here because I'm not a student. There's really no rule against it but I could get kicked out. We'll make it work.

When we finished getting everything back here, we got into bed and we laid there for a while. Ben had his arms wrapped around me and I loved it. Eventually he asked me to be his boyfriend and I happily said yes. If there's anyone who can make me forget about Kyle and Jordan, it's Ben. I feel bad for leaving Jordan all on his own but this is for the best.

"Cade. There's something on the news that I think you'll want to see" Ben says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Just come and watch" Ben says.

I walk into the kitchen. What I see next has me frozen in fear.

"Police have now identified the body in the fatal car crash as Jordan Ahlberg. A few days ago, an accident was reported on highway 27 involving a large semi-truck and a grey sedan. The truck was fine but the sedan took most, if not all, of the damage. Ahlberg was taken to the hospital with life threatening injuries. No word on his condition. Back to you, John" the reporter says.

I stand there. Just standing. Fear filling my body. Jordan. My brother. How could this have happened. I just saw him a few days ago and he was fine. Now...

"Cade. Are you alright?" Ben asks.

"Oh my god" I say quietly.

"Cade..." Ben says

"I need to get to the hospital" I say.

"Alright. Let's go" Ben says.

Ben and I rush out to his car. We go to the hospital and I call Angela and tell her what happened. She's still in town. Maybe seeing her for a minute will help me feel better. Having Ben by my side will really help a lot.

Kyle's POV
I wake up and go to my shower. I wash off and get dressed. Black briefs, sweatpants, a red shirt with Mickey Mouse on it. I walk out into the living room and turn the tv on. I sit for a while. Jenna eventually comes out.

"Hi Kyle" she says.

"Hi Jen" I say back.

"You hungry? I can make us breakfast" she says.

"That would be awesome" I say back.

I now live with Jenna. I told her all about what happened and she gladly let me move in with her. She and I have been friends for a long time. When Jordan and I dropped out of high school, she was the only person I kept in touch with. She's always been there for me. She knows more about me than Jordan does.

She helped me move all of my stuff out and in with her. She has an extra bedroom in her apartment and that's now my bedroom. Luckily it already had a bed in in. It was a guestroom and now it's mine. She really knows how to decorate. I love it.

Jordan has been on my mind recently. I can't help but think of him sitting at home, alone. I don't like the thought of that. I really think that I should talk to him but it's too early. I'm still not over what happened. Don't think I don't love Jordan anymore. I still love him with all my heart. I just can't look at him right now. When some time goes on I'll probably be able to talk to him. I'll never move back in with him but I will be able to talk to him sometime.

"Kyle. You may want to see this" Jenna says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I think you should see for yourself" she says.

I get up and walk into the kitchen. When I see next is what no person should ever have to see about a family member. I have no words to describe it.

"The man involved in a damaging car crash has been identified as Jordan Ahlberg. Yesterday a bad accident occurred on highway 27 involving a large semi-truck and a sedan. The truck was fine but the sedan had been severely damaged. Ahlberg was taken to the hospital with several damages. Most of them could be life threatening. No word on his current condition" the newswoman says.

Tell me it's not true. Say I'm dreaming. Say this is just an old movie from years ago. An old movie with Audrey Hepburn.

My brother. My best friend. My love. How could this happen. He was fine just a few days ago. I stand there. Not moving. How could this have happened. So much can happen in one day. It almost doesn't seem real yet somehow it all is.

"Can I do anything, Kyle?" Jenna asks.

"I have to get to the hospital. Jordan needs me" I say back.

Jenna and I run to her car. We start driving. All of my mind is on Jordan. I somehow feel like this is my fault. I shouldn't have reacted like I did. I should have let Jordan talk to me. I'd give anything to go back to the night and just talk to him.

So many questions race through my mind. Is Jordan ok? How bad is he? Is he awake? Will he live? 

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