Chapter Four

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Jordan's POV
It's about 8am the next morning. I usually don't wake up this early but for some reason I did today. I decide to get my laptop out and watch Family Guy. I decide to wait for Kyle to wake up so we can eat breakfast together. It's what we usually always do. Cade opens the door and sees us in bed. I'm watching Family Guy when I see him come in. I take my headphones out and pause Family Guy as he walks over to my side of the bed. He looks like he already showered. 

"Hey Cade. What's up?" I ask with a smile.

"Jordan would it be alright if I went outside and read on the porch?" he asks.

"Of course, Cade. You don't have to ask permission for that. This is your house too. You can do whatever you want" I say with a smile.

"Awesome. Thanks" he says. I watch Cade walk out of our bedroom. Damn, Kyle was right. That boy does have an ass. I now see what Kyle was talking about. I'd like to get to know Cade too. But that means that Kyle and I would have to share him. Why am I talking like this. He's our brother. I'm with Kyle. But damn do I want Cade too.

I get out of bed and open the curtains in our bedroom. It's a beautiful September morning. The sun is shining and not a cloud in the sky. Alright. I guess I could go down and check on Cade. I throw on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt and walk downstairs. I see Cade sitting on the porch reading a book. I decide to make him breakfast. I walk to the kitchen and make food. I walk outside and talk to Cade.

"Hey buddy" I say when I get to Cade.

"Hi Jordan" he says back in a calm voice.

"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I ask.

"No" he says back.

"I made you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I also have Sunny D to drink. Would you like it?" I ask

Cade takes his eyes off his book and looks at the food. "Ok" he says taking the food. He goes back to his book right away.

"What are you reading?" I ask as I sit down on the patio sofa next to him.

"Sara Bareilles's book. This is actually my fourth time reading this book" he says.

"You like Sara Bareilles?" I ask.

"I love her. She was the only person that kept me same in the group home. For my 16th birthday Angela bought me tickets for her tour and we went to see her in concert" he says.

"Angela Mercer? The front desk lady that Kyle and I spoke to?" I ask.

"Yeah. She and I became really close. She was the closet thing to a mother I've ever had" Cade says.

"That's nice. I didn't know that. Maybe Kyle knows that. Would you like me to put on Sara Bareilles and we can listen to her?" I ask.

"Sure" Cade says.

I get my phone out and go to youtube. "Is there any song in particular that you'd like me to play?" I ask.

"Yeah. Can you put on Miss Simone?" he asks.

"Sure thing, buddy" I say. I type the name of the song in and the video comes up. I play the song and Cade gets a relaxed look on his face. He must really like this song. I have to admit it's really good.

"I like this song. It's really good" I say.

"Yeah. It's my favorite" he says.

We sit there and enjoy the crisp fall air. We listen to the song and I continue to play more of her music. I can see why Cade likes her so much. She's an incredible singer. I really like her music now too. Cade and I talk for a little while when we here a voice.

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