Chapter Twenty-six

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Jordan's POV
Kyle looks at us for a few minutes. Almost as if he doesn't believe what is happening. Kyle runs away from our room. I put clothes on and run after him. I see him packing a suitcase with clothes from the laundry room. I run after him and try to stop him from leaving.

"Kyle. Please don't go. I'm sorry. Can't we just talk this out?" I plead to him.

"Forget it, Jordan. You've shown me that you're not interested in our relationship anymore. I'm moving in with Jenna in her apartment. I'll be back for the rest of my stuff tomorrow. I want you out of the house when I'm here" he says.

"Kyle. I love you more than anything in the world. Please just talk to me" I say back.

Kyle stands there for a minute. He looks like he has a lot of things that he wants to say. I stand there not saying anything. Just letting him get his thoughts together. It's a few minutes before he says anything. It looks like he has a lot to say.

"Jordan. I have tried to be the older brother to the both of you. I've bought you two so many things. I've taken you two to so many places. I've thought of so many things for us to do together. I've done my best to give the both of you a fun and relaxing life. I loved the both of you. I loved you because you were the only person there for me when mom and dad died. I was so excited when you said yes to being my boyfriend. It was just us and I was so happy. I was even more excited when we got Cade. You know I always wanted a life with my brothers. I finally got it and this is what you turn it into? If this is how you say thank you, then I don't know why I'm even here" Kyle says.

"Kyle. He's your brother too. You can do all of this with him too. What are you so upset about?" I ask.

"His penis was in your mouth" Kyle says with a mad and hurt look.

"I'm sorry, Kyle. I didn't mean for that to happen" I say back.

"What were you trying to do? Get with him? Did you ever think how I felt about Cade? Did you ever think that maybe I wanted to wrap my arms around him and love him more than just a brother? Did you ever think about my feelings for Cade? Did you ever think that sometimes I need a brake from being the oldest brother? Did you ever think about that?" Kyle asks.

"Baby. I'm sorry. I lost control. I tried not to let it get that far. I'm so so so sorry, Kyle. Please forgive me" I say back wrapping my arms around him.

Kyle swats my arms away.

"Jordan. Don't. I forgave you once and clearly it meant nothing to you. I'll be back for the rest of my stuff tomorrow and I don't want you or Cade here. Have a nice life with him" he says with tears running down his face. He takes his suitcase and leaves. Kyle runs out the door and I watch him drive away from the house I see him back out of the driveway and drive off to Jenna's apartment. I stand there just looking out the window. I have tears running down my face too. I can feel Cade right behind me. I turn around and look at him.

"Well Cade. I guess it's just you and me" I say. I turn around and look at Cade. He has tears running down his face. He turns around and runs back up to his bedroom. I hear his door shut. I'm tempted to run after him but I think he needs some time to process what just happened. I decide to go to bed for the night.


The next morning I wake up and shower. I get dressed and walk downstairs. I walk past Cade's room. His door is shut. I think about checking on Cade but I think he should sleep for a while. I walk into the kitchen and sit at the table. I see a note with my name on it. I unfold it and read.

I've moved in with my friend, Ben.
I'm sorry but I can't look at you knowing I destroyed your happiness with Kyle.
I really think it's best if you don't come here. I've caused you enough of your life.
After he graduates, I'll be moving away with Ben.
Thank you for all you've done for me.

I go up to Cade's room and it's empty. His bed is still there but all the stuff Kyle and I got him is gone. He must have moved everything last night. How did I not hear him? One thing I can't get off my mind is who Ben is. Is he a friend? I've never heard Cade mention his name before. I guess none of that matters now because he moved in with him.

I walk back down to the kitchen and I fall on the table crying my eyes out. That's it. I guess I'm on my own from now on. The two loves of my life just gone. Just like that. I can't believe I screwed this up. The three of us were so happy together. I can still hear Kyle's laugh. It used to fill my soul with so much joy. I can almost still feel Cade sitting next to me. I'd put my arm around him and he would put his head on my shoulder. The three of us would sit in the living room and watch tv all day. It was the best life I could have ever asked for. Now it's gone. I let everyone down. I guess we're done.

I decide to go out driving. I get into my car and drive around for a while. I still have tears falling out of my eyes. I think about Kyle and Cade while I drive. I pass by Jenna's apartment a few times. I debate on going in and trying to talk to Kyle. He would just push me away. I think I should give it a few days before I talk to him. I drive around for a while. I try looking for Cade but I don't know who Ben is or where he lives. I go back home and go up to my bedroom. I see that all of Kyle's stuff is gone. He must have come while I was out. I fall on my bed and just cry.

This is enough. Kyle and I have to talk about this. Kyle has to move back in with me. We can get over this. We just have to talk. I go back to my car and get in. I go to a flower store and buy Kyle flowers. He'll love these. I try calling Kyle but he doesn't answer. I text him that I'm coming over to talk to him. He doesn't respond. I'm not surprised.

I drive to Jenna's apartment. I get there but I'm too nervous to go in. I know he won't want to talk to me. I drive around for a few minutes. I keep going around town. Putting off talking to Kyle. This is going on for too long Kyle and I have to talk about this. If we don't, we'll never be together again. He's the love of my life and we have to be back as brothers again. I can't live without him.

I turn on to the freeway. I drive quickly trying to get to Jenna's apartment. I'm actually speeding a bit but not too much. I somehow get all the green lights.

I finally hit a red light but there's no one there. I can drive through it. I speed up a little bit. All of a sudden I hear a loud horn and see a huge semi-truck coming at me.

Everything goes black.  

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