Chapter Six

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Cade's POV
I'm sitting on my bed watching Friends with all of my new stuffed animals. I finish the ice cream that Kyle got and am still kind of hungry. Jordan and Kyle really weren't that hungry tonight. We didn't really eat anything else. I'm starving however. It's late. Around 11pm. I decide to get something to eat. I walk out of my room and walk quietly downstairs, trying not to wake Kyle and Jordan. When I get to the kitchen I find mac and cheese in the pantry and start making it. Yes, I know how to use the stove.

When the food is done, I sit at the kitchen table and watch more Friends. I finish eating and wash everything that I used. It's the least I can do for Kyle and Jordan. They shouldn't have to clean up after me. I'm 18. I can clean up after myself.

As I'm walking back to my room, I see a pair of red briefs with grey stripes in the laundry room. I get a little excited from that. I walk in and pick them up. I hold them to my face. They smell so good. They must have just been washed. I begin to walk back to my bedroom. I stop in the middle of the kitchen while walking. I can't do this. These are one of my brother's underwear. It's wrong. However, I have a raging boner and I need some release. A few minutes won't hurt. I run up to my bedroom and take my clothes off.

I throw my clothes off to the side of my bedroom. I stand in the middle of my room with my hand on my raging boner. Am I really going to do this? This is wrong. They are my brothers. They are a couple though. This really doesn't hurt anyone. I don't have to tell them. I'll put these back downstairs after I'm done with them. This will all work out fine.

Jordan's POV
Kyle and I are making out in bed. We've been at this for about 45 minutes. Kyle and I love to do this when we're in bed at night. Brothers or not, we love each other and don't want anyone else. Besides Cade maybe. We pull apart and I look at my brother's naked body. Damn. I want all of that. I decide that I should check on Cade.

"I'm gonna check on Cade. Just to make sure he's alright for tonight" I say.

"Alright. Don't be long" Kyle says with a smirk.

"I'll only be a few seconds" I say back.

I get out of bed and put my sweatpants on from today. I walk out of our bedroom and start walking towards Cade's room. The door is open slightly but the lights are off. Maybe he's asleep. Maybe I should just go back to my bedroom. I really should check on Cade though. Just to make sure that he's alright. I walk towards his room and push the door open. I turn on the light and see Cade standing in the middle of his room. His eyes fly open when he sees the lights come on. He's...well he's uhh...

"Hey Cade. I hope I'm not interrupting anything" I say with a slight smile.

"Jordan. Fuck. I was just...uhh..." he says quickly but can't come up with an answer.

"It's alright, Cade. It's a normal thing for a guy to do. What is in your hand?" I ask. I walk over to Cade and see that he's holding my underwear in his hand. They were pressed up to his face and he was jerking off. Is Cade gay? Is he? If he is then he and Kyle and I have a lot to catch up on. Maybe Cade could even join Kyle and I in our relationship.

"Cade. Why are you holding these?" I ask.

"No reason" he says back quickly and not looking at me.

"You had my underwear with you and you were jerking off with them pressed on your face. Cade, are you gay?" I ask.

"Alright. Fine. Yes, Jordan. I am" he says looking off to the side.

I pull his face towards me gently. "Cade. That's fine. Kyle and I are both gay" I say with a smile. Cade smiles back.

"If it makes it any better, only you know now" he says.

"Really? Just me? Angela doesn't know?" I ask.

"No. I could never have told her. She would have been more than ok with it but I just couldn't bring myself to tell her" Cade says back.

"It's alright, Cade. I still love you. If you have a little crush on me, that's fine too" I say with a smile.

"Thanks Kyle. That means the world" Cade says putting his head on my shoulder. While we sit there I notice that Cade has some Sunny D with him.

"Were you thirsty, Cade? You have Sunny D in here" I say.

"I was hungry and went downstairs and made mac and cheese for myself" he says back.

"You made food for yourself?" I ask.

"Yeah" he says back.

"You know how to use the stove? And cook?" I ask with a surprised look.

"Believe it or not, yes. I do" Cade says back.

"Wow Cade. There's more to you than we thought there was" I say with a smile.

"That's the adventure" Cade says with a smile.

Cade and I sit on his bed for a few seconds. I notice his closet looks particularly empty. I get a confused look on my face and walk over to his closet. There's almost nothing in here. Just about five outfits.

"Cade. Are these all the clothes you have?" I ask

"Yeah. I don't have a lot of them" he says back.

"Why didn't you say anything to Kyle and I?" I ask.

"Because you two already bought me so much stuff. I would never ask you to buy me anything else" Cade says putting his pajama bottoms on.

"Cade. If you need clothes all you have to do is tell us. Kyle and I will gladly take you clothes shopping. We have all the money we need" I say back to him. Just at that moment Kyle walks into Cade's room.

"Jordan. Is everything alright? You've been in here for a while" he says.

"Kyle. Tomorrow we are taking Cade to get clothes" I say sternly.

"Why's that?" Kyle asks.

"Look at his closet" I say back. Kyle walks to Cade's closet and looks inside. He's amazed at how little is in it and how empty it is.

"Cade. Is this all you have?" Kyle asks.

"Yes" Cade says quietly.

"Yeah. Tomorrow we're going to the mall. Why didn't you say anything earlier?" Kyle says.

"He thinks that we've spent enough money on him" I tell Kyle.

"Cade. If you need new clothes all you have to do is just say so. We won't be annoyed at all. If anything we'll be glad you told us" Kyle says.

"Alright. Tomorrow is planned out. We'll eat breakfast here and then we'll go to the mall for the day. We'll buy you whatever you want, Cade. That sound like fun?" I ask Cade.

"Sure. I'd like that" he says.

"Alright. Let's all go to bed. Busy day tomorrow" Kyle says. We both kiss Cade goodnight and head back to our room.

"Jordan. Wait" Cade says quickly

"Yes Cade" I say back.

"You won't tell Kyle about what happened when you first walked in. Right?" he asks with a concerned look.

"Don't worry, Cade. I won't tell him. I'll let you tell him if and when you're ready" I say back.

"Thanks Jordan" he says.

"Happy to. Now go to bed" he says with a smile.

I walk back to mine and Kyle's room and we both get in bed. I really hope that Cade will open up to Kyle and the three of us could be together. Not just as brothers but as something more. I think we would be so much happier. For now, my heart will just be with Kyle. 

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