Chapter Twenty-eight

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I run into the hospital while Jenna parks. I check in and find out which room Jordan is in. He's on the 8th floor in room 6. I go up to his room and see him in bed. He looks like hell. There are cuts and bruises all over his face. He has a broken arm and leg. There's a huge scrape all down his left arm. Worse, he's hooked up to a breathing machine. He's unconscious too. My heart drops just at the sight of him.

"Oh my god. Jordan" I say as I run over to him.

I run over to him and take his hand. I keep my eyes on him. Willing for him to wake up. The doctors come in and say he can go off the breathing machine. He's breathing on his own now which is a good sign. Once he's off, the machine says his heart is still beating.

"We'll he be ok?" I ask the doctor.

"It's hard to say. He had a pretty bad crash. A lot of important things were injured. A few bones were broken. He's been unconscious for a while. He has a few surgeries. We should know after that. Are you a family member of his?" the doctor asks.

"Yes. I'm his brother" I say back.

"In that case, you'll be the first to know about everything" the doctor says.

"Thank you" I say back.

The doctor walks out of the room and I sit with Jordan for a while. I know he's not awake but I put his favorite song on. Your Are The Reason by Calum Scott and Leona Lewis. I keep my eyes on him while the songs plays. I'd like to think that he can hear the song playing and that can put him at ease for a while. I replay the song a few times. Tears run down my eyes while I listen to the song.

Cade runs into the room. I'm actually really happy to see him.

"Hi Cade" I say when I see him.

"Kyle. Hi. I didn't think you'd be here that quickly" he says.

"I really hurried to get here. I'm glad to see you, bro" I say walking up to him and hugging him.

We stand there and hug for a while. It puts me at so much ease that I have my other little brother with me. Right now, I just want to hold on to Cade and never let him go. He means so much to me. I love him with all my heart. We stand there. Just hugging. We don't say anything. We just feel the love between us.

"Did you see all the Twixs and roses people have been sending Jordan?" I finally ask Cade.

"Yeah. I have" he says.

"He hates Twix" we both say in unison.

"Listen Cade. I have to tell you that there's no way I could be prouder of all that you've accomplished. The life that you've created. The ways that you've grown. It's been an honor watching all of that happen. You went from a shy little guy to this incredible life fulfilling man. I thought I would have all the time to tell you but we now know what waiting does. As your older brother, I just want you to know" I say with a smile.

"Then why did you get so mad and leave?" Cade asks.

I wait a moment. "Both of you were fading away from me. And I couldn't handle the thought of losing either of you. I love you both. Not in a brother way" he says. I say still hugging him.

Cade smiles at me. We share a kiss. It felt so good. I've wanted that for so long. I love this guy. I love the way he cares so much about Jordan and I. We feel the same way about him. We go back to hugging.

"Listen Kyle. I really wish this wasn't the way things happen. In life, each time I trusted someone was just one more time that I lost. As evidence with mom and dad. Luckily you and Jordan were able to get me out of that mindset. You have done so awesome with turning my life around. I thought I would have all the time in the world to tell you also but it looks like waiting isn't the answer" he says.

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