Chapter Thirtty-one

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Cade's POV
Ten years have gone by. I'm now 29 and Kyle and Jordan are 32 and 31. I eventually did go to college a year later. I was 19 at the time but I still graduated in four years. I double majored psychology and science. I graduated at the top of my university. Kyle, Jordan Angela, Alyssa and Ben were there to watch me graduate. With my I.Q. I went off to Harvard Medical School. Of course graduating at the top of my class there too.

Since graduating from Harvard Medical School, I have become the top doctor in Providence, Rhode Island which is where I live now. I'm a doctor that sees patients for simple medical refills and I also perform surgery. I'm sort of a jack of all trades doctor. I do different jobs throughout the work week. It really depends on where I'm needed. As much as I love staying at home and doing nothing (at times) I just felt that wasn't the life for me. I wanted to do something with my life. Maybe it's the life for Kyle and Jordan but not for me.

Ben and I kept in touch all throughout my time in school. He and I are now married. He came to my graduation from Harvard and proposed to me when I walked across the stage. I gladly said yes. We married in a very small wedding. Only Kyle, Jordan, Alyssa, Angela and our friends were there. Angela married Ben and I. Ben is now 32. Ben is the Communications Director at the clinic we work at. He and I couldn't be more happy together. We've been married for five years now.

Ben and I have our own house. We both get paid a lot. We could have bought a mansion but because of my childhood, I can't look at a mansion without flashbacks. We have a nice, small(ish) house. We also have a dog named Cookie. He's an Australian Shepherd 

Kyle and Jordan are happily married now too. They come out to Rhode Island for Thanksgiving and Christmas every year. I miss them back in Vermont but I'm so happy that I have a life of my own. They married right after Ben and I. It was just me, Ben, Kyle and Jordan at the wedding. Kyle's friend Jenna married them. Since it was two brothers getting married, we thought it would be best to keep the guests down to just us. It was a very small but very nice wedding.

Ben and I work so much during the week. We only see each other when we come home at the end of the day. That's actually ok with us. We really feel that it keeps our love stronger for each other. We spend the weekends with each other. We mostly just sleep. We work so much during the week that we're always exhausted on the weekends. On the weekends we like to lay in bed, eat, go outside, walk our dog. Just weekend things that we like doing.

Alyssa is now a full time special education teacher. She lives in Rhode Island now as well. That's actually where she's from. She lives about two blocks from Ben and I. She spends time with us a lot of the time. She also checks in with me every now and then just to see how I'm doing. I love that about her. She always keeps in touch with me. She is happily married with two children.

Angela is now a full time speech and language pathologist. She even lives across from Kyle and Jordan. She officially moved to our side of the state. She loved working for the group home but her main focus was speech and language therapy. Her husband works on our side of the state. She would only see him during the weekends. Now they live together again and are very happy. She comes out to Rhode Island to see me every now and then. She also comes for Christmas and Thanksgiving with Kyle and Jordan. We still keep very much in touch. We couldn't not. We're too close not to.

Kyle and Jordan still live in Vermont. They are more in love than ever. Jordan made a complete recovery thanks to Angela. He regained his speech within months. Angela is a genius. There's nothing she can't do.

Ben and I are coming home from work for the weekend.

"How was your day today, babe?" Ben asks.

"It was alright. I mostly just met with patience all day. Nothing too major. What about you?" Ben asks.

"I was running around all day meeting with staff. It was busy but I had a handle on it" he says.

We walk into our house and greet our dog. We let him out. We walk upstairs and change into sweatpants and comfortable shirts. We walk back downstairs and let our dog back in. We sit in the living room and turn on the tv. We watch tv for a while. After a while, we go into the kitchen and stars making dinner. We make mac and cheese. We eat dinner and talk about life and such. I love doing this every night with him. When dinner is done we clean up and go up to our bedroom. We sit on our bed and hang in there for the rest of the night.

Eventually it's late and we're tired. We take our clothes off and get back into bed. We make out for a few minutes before going to bed.

"Good night, Cade. I love you" Ben says.

"I love you more" I say.

We lay down in each other's arms. As I'm going to sleep I think about how my life has turned out. It's all been so incredible how our lives have turned out. I have a big career, my own house, a husband, a dog, many friends and my own life. All of which I never thought I would have

Everything that lead to this moment was all worth it.   

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