Chapter Twenty-three

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Kyle's POV
The next morning, I'm in the kitchen. Cade has been hanging with his new friends all night. The three of us have also been hanging, watching tv, eating and just enjoying each other. We really feel that Cade has come out of his shell more and more with us and his new friends. He's talking in our conversations, he's around us all the time. He even does stuff on his own. He goes to pick up food for us sometimes. Cade seems like a normal person now. He's not that shy little guy from the group home. Or the scared and quiet guy we knew growing up. I guess he just needed to be with Jordan and I. It's early in the morning.

Jordan and I are getting the house ready. Today is the day Angela comes. To thank Angela for all she's done with Cade, Jordan went out and bought a bouquet of flowers, a card and some other small gifts for her. We could never thank her for how much she's done for Cade but this is our way of saying it. We plan on taking her to the fanciest restaurant in town. Jordan made sure she would have something nice to wear. Cade walks in the front door. He's been gone all night.

"Hey Cade" I say.

"Hey" he says.

"Where were you all night?" I ask.

"With new friends. I'm going out with them today again. I just came home to shower and change" he says.

"Buddy. Angela comes today" I say.

"Oh my god. She does. God I look like shit. Let me go shower and change. I'll also text Ben that something came up" Cade says as he rushes upstairs to change. He runs upstairs. Wait, who's Ben? 

Jordan walks through the door after Cade is upstairs. He walks in with a huge bouquet, bigger than we had thought and a card.

"Damn, babe. That's a bigger bouquet than we wanted" I say with a smile.

"She deserves it. She saved our baby brother's life" Jordan says.

"I also stopped at the bakery and got this Thank You Basket of cookies" Jordan says.

"She's going to love all of this" I say with a smile.

"Where's Cade? Is he up yet?" Jordan asks.

"Yes he is. He went upstairs to change. I guess he wanted to put something nicer on. He was with someone named Ben all night" I say.

"That's good. He has new friends he can spend the night with" Jordan says. God I hope they're just friends. I want Cade for myself. I'll agree to share him with Jordan.

Jordan helps me get the house ready. He empties the dishwasher while I clean all the tables and counters. Cade comes back downstairs wearing a red t-shirt and black sweatpants. He has his hair done nicer too. He actually looks really hot like that.

"Are you excited to see Angela, Cade?" I ask.

"I'm so excited" he says

"Jordan went out and got her a few things. We got her flowers, a card and cookies. Do you want to sign the card?" I ask.

"Sure. I'd love to" he says.

Cade signs the card and writes a small note to Angela. Jordan and I sign the card too. We join him at the table. Jordan stopped at Dunkin and got donuts for us. We enjoy some and talk for a while. Cade is all smiles and laughing. He's so excited to see Angela again. After a few minutes, there's a knock on the door. Cade gets an excited look on his face. I get up and answer the door.

"Hi Angela. Welcome" I say.

"Thank you, Kyle" she says. We walk into the kitchen. She looks around and admires the place. She likes the way our house looks.

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