Chapter Two

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We arrive at the group home. I look over at Jordan. He is asleep in the passenger spot. I shake him awake.

"Jordan. Wake up. We're here" I say happily with Cade on my mind.

Jordan opens his eyes and looks around at the place. He looks at me with sleepy eyes. He looks so cute when he's drowsy.

We get out of my car and look at the place. It looks like a very nice group home. There's a nice front yard. A nice wrap around porch. There's a picnic table out front that people can eat lunch on. There are really nice flowers all around the house. It looks like a big apartment building. It really doesn't look that bad. At least Cade was well cared for here.

"Well at least he was well cared for here" I say.

"Be that as it may, he still should never have been here in the first place" Jordan says.

We walk up the front steps and in through the door. It's all bright colors around the house. There are multiple rooms. There are snacks out for people to eat. If this wasn't a place for several people to live I would for sure live here. Jordan and I share a kiss before taking each other's hands and walking in.

"We're doing this for Cade" I say to Jordan.

"For Cade" he says back. We walk up to the front desk and are greeted by a very nice woman. She has to be in her early 40s at the oldest. She has long brown hair and a very sweet smile on her face. When we walk up to her desk she's busy doing some work on a laptop. When she sees us come in, she gives us a very nice and warm smile.

"Hello. How are you two today?" she says in a nice voice

"We're doing well" I say back.

"What can I do for you two gentlemen?" she asks.

"We're here to pick up Cade Ahlberg. I called about three hours ago to let you know we were on our way. We're his brothers" I say back with a smile.

"Are you Kyle Ahlberg?" she asks with the same smile.

"Yes. I am" I say back.

"Wonderful. I will go get Cade for you. Please feel free to make yourselves comfortable" she says with a smile. Jordan and I grab some water and have a seat on the couch in her office. As we sit down, Jordan takes my hand and we look in each other's eyes. We share a kiss.

"I'm nervous, baby" I say to Jordan.

"Why?" Jordan asks.

"Because we weren't there for Cade when we should have been. What if he's mad at us? What if he doesn't want to come home with us? What if he doesn't want to talk to us? I really don't want him to hate us. I love Cade and want him home with us. He deserves a home. Not a house" I say.

"Kyle. Relax. We were only twelve years old and couldn't even take care of ourselves. Now were adults. Cade will be in good care with us. He's our responsibility now. It will be the three of us forever" Jordan says with another kiss.

We continue talking for a few more minutes when out of the corner of our eyes we see the door open. The lady from before comes out. I jump up right away. He's here. Our little brother is finally here. After so many years we finally get to see Cade again. I'm so excited to get him out of here.

"Kyle Ahlberg?" she says.

"Right here" I say as Jordan and I run up to her.

"Alright you two. It gives me such great pleasure to reunite you with Cade" she says with a huge smile. She steps aside and Cade walks out. He's wearing grey tennis shoes, black sweatpants, a grey and black hoodie and a black winter hat. He has a black backpack and carries the same stuffed bear from his childhood. My eyes almost pop out of my head when I see him. Is that really Cade? Is that my little brother? Is this beautiful young man really my little brother Cade? When did he start looking like this?

"Hi Cade" I say with a smile

"Hi Kyle" he says back in a quiet voice just looking at the floor.

"How are you doing, buddy?" I ask.

"I'm alright" he says back. I walk closer to Cade with my arms open trying to hug him. Cade winces back with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Don't" Cade says quickly as he jumps back. I stop right there and look at Angela.

"Cade doesn't like to be touched" she says.

"Alright. No big deal. Do you need help getting the rest of your stuff?" I ask.

"No. I have everything here with me" he says back in the same quiet voice and looking at the floor.

"Alright. Are you ready to go home with Jordan and I now?" I ask.

"Yes please" he says back.

"Alright. Why don't you and Jordan go out to the car. I want to talk to the front desk for a second" I say back. Jordan takes Cade's hand and leads him out to the car. Cade pulls a huge suitcase behind him and keeps his head down not saying anything.

"What can I do for you Mr. Ahlberg? Any questions you have I will gladly answer" she says nicely with a smile.

"Is he ok?" he seems very shy

"Yes. He was never a big talker here. He doesn't say much. He talks but we don't get more than a few words. I've gotten to get to know him better but he's known me for a while. He always wants to read or play with his stuffed bear. He'll warm up to you. Just give it some time" she says back.

"Will he be ok with my brother and I now?" I ask.

"I have confidence that he will come out of his shell with you two. It may take some time but I really do think going home to you two will really help him. Trust me, he was well cared for here but this will be much better for him. If you have any questions please feel free to call. My name is Angela Mercer. I'll give you my number" she says. She writes her number down on a piece of paper and gives it to me.

"Here you are, Mr. Ahlberg" she says with a smile.

"Thank you so much, Angela. We'll definitely call if we have any questions" I say back.

"My pleasure. You two have a good night" she says with a smile.

"You as well" I say back.

We share a handshake and I go back to my car. I see Jordan and Cade in the car. Jordan is talking to Cade. Cade keeps his head down reading one of his books. He holds his stuffed bear in his arm. God I can't wait to get him home. It's going to be much better for him this way. I get into my car.

"Shall we go home, everyone?" I ask.

"Let's go, bro" Jordan says.

"It's a bit of a drive. Cade, if you want to sleep, you are more than welcome to" I say looking at him.

"Thanks Kyle" he says quietly.

With that, I start driving home. This will be good. To be a family of brothers. The way it should have always been. Now it can be all of us together.

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