Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning I wake up with Kyle and Jordan on my mind. It was so fun getting to go out with them last night. I really hope we can do it again. I look at my phone. It's 8am. Wow I'm an early riser. I walk quietly to Kyle and Jordan's room. I quietly open the door and see them asleep in bed. They are not so early risers. I quietly shut the door and walk back to my bedroom. Kyle and Jordan so do it in that room.

I get clothes out for the day. Yellow briefs, black sweatpants, a red and silver striped t-shirt and black flip flops. I walk into my shower and turn it on. I wash up and then turn the shower off. I dry off and get dressed. I walk back to my bedroom and throw my bed together. I walk downstairs and turn the lights in the kitchen on. I look in the fridge and don't see anything I want for breakfast. I get Sunny D out and drink that.

You know what I want? I want donuts. I don't know why but I do. There's a Dunkin about five minutes from our house. I see Kyle's keys on the table. I grab them and go out to Kyle's car. I get in and start driving to Dunkin. Yes. I know how to drive. I have a licenses. I doubt Kyle and Jordan know that. They'll be surprised to find out when I tell them. I get to Dunkin and get a box of all the donuts that they have. I pay with my credit card and walk back to Kyle's car. I get in and start driving home.

When I get back home, I park Kyle's car in the garage. I walk in the house and hear and walk up to Kyle and Jordan's room to see if they are up yet. I hear their shower running. They must be up. I walk back downstairs and get breakfast ready. I get two cups of lemonade ready. I get the donuts out and wait for them to come downstairs. A few minutes go by. They finally come down in the kitchen. Kyle wearing a t-shirt with Mickey Mouse on it and Jordan wearing a blue v-neck with white stripes. Both wearing black sweatpants.

"Morning, big guy" Kyle says.

"Hi you two. How are you this morning?" I ask.

"We're good. How about you?" Jordan says.

"I'm good. I have a little surprise for you" I say with a smile.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" Kyle asks.

"I got donuts for us this morning" I say with a smile.

"You go donuts? Where from?" Kyle asks.

"Dunkin" I say with a smile.

"You walked all the way to Dunkin and back?" Jordan asks.

"No. I drove" I say.

"You drove there? You can drive?" Kyle asks.

"Yes I can" I say with a smile.

"Since when?" Kyle asks.

"Since I was 16" I say

"We're learning new things about you everyday, buddy" Kyle says.

"That's the adventure" I say with a smile.

The three of us eat breakfast together. We talk and enjoy the morning together. Thank god that we can do this every morning if we want. It's times like these that I'm so thankful that I have brothers. After breakfast we go to the living room and watch tv for a while. Kyle sits across from me and Jordan. I really would love to get some time with Jordan to myself but I'll take what I can get. He's probably not interested in me that way. I have my mind on Jordan the entire time. His beautiful eyes and brown hair. I love all of it. I want to start making out with him right there.

"You guys wanna do anything today?" Kyle asks.

"Cade?" Jordan says.

"Actually. Yes. There is" I say

"Anything" Kyle says.

"We have enough money for the rest of our lives right?" I ask.

"Sure do" Kyle says.

"Since you know I can drive. Can I have my own car? You and Jordan both of your own cars. Can I have one too?" Kyle and Jordan look at each other in agreement. It looks like they both agree I should have my own car also. They both smile at each other. I sit there wondering what they'll say next.

"Sure, big guy. We'll get you a car?" Kyle says.

I smile like a little kid. We get ready for the day and head out to a car place. We spend most of the morning and afternoon there looking at cars. While there we look at all the kinds of cars. I see a lot that I like. I finally pick out a red car that I really like. We buy it and I drive it home. We meet there and decide what to do for dinner. We decide to go out for tacos. We drive to a taco place and eat dinner there. We then go back home for the rest of the night.

Today turned out to be fun also. I have my own car now. That's awesome. 

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