Chapter Twenty-nine

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Cade's POV
Today is the day that Kyle and I are bringing Jordan back home. The other day Kyle and I spent all of the day moving our stuff back into our house. Kyle and Ben also met for the first time. Kyle really likes him and says he'd be a good match for me. I'm waiting for Ben to finish school before I officially move in with him. I'm really not supposed to be in his apartment since I'm not a student. Once Ben graduates I've offered him a spot in our house. Just until he can afford a place of his own. Then we'll move out together.

The doctor called and said Jordan is good and ready to come back home. He'll have some problems at first but he'll get over them. He just needs a few weeks to recover. He said they might be long term but he will get over them eventually.

Kyle and I get in his car and drive back to the hospital. When we get there, we check in and go up to Jordan's room. We walk in and he's awake. Thank god. My love is still alive. I love him with all my heart.

Kyle's POV
When Cade and I get to the hospital, we go up to Jordan's room. We see him in his bed drinking a smoothie. We walk in and we smile at each other. It's so good to see his smile again.

"Hi baby" I say with a smile.

Jordan doesn't say anything. He offers me a small smile and a wave.

"Are you alright, Jordan? Why aren't you speaking?" I ask. Jordan looks at the doctor.

"Mr. Ahlberg, may I speak with you privately?" The doctor says.

"Sure. Cade you stay here with Jordan" I say.

The doctor and I walk out of the room. We walk down the hallway and into a private office. He sits down at the desk and tells me to sit down. He waits a few seconds before speaking again.

"Jordan is suffering from temporary aphasia" the doctor says.

"Alright...what's that?" I ask.

"Temporary loss of the ability to speak or communicate" the doctor says.

"Holy shit. What's that about?" I ask.

"His accident was so traumatic and life changing that he temporarily lost his ability to speak" the doctor says.

I sit there for a few seconds. A million questions run through my head. I do I go about that? How do I help Jordan with that? Can I even help him?

"Will he be ok?" I ask.

"Yes. I believe he will be" the doctor says.

"Is there anything I can do to help him?" I ask.

"There is. I'm going to recommend that he meet with a speech and language pathologist. A nutritionist should be helpful also" he says.

"Really? All of that?" I ask.

"I know its jarring but this is the quickest way that he'll be able to regain his speech. If he meets with one I really do think his speech will come back. Very quickly too" the doctor says.

"Alright. If that's what's for the best" I say.

"Let me get you a list of things that will help" he says.

The doctor makes the list. There's quiet a few things on it. Wow. I didn't know that this was what it takes to help someone who has been in a car crash. I guess when it was that severe these are the things you have to do.

The doctor hands me the list. Luckily Jordan will only require around the clock care while his broken bones heal. I'll be there for him. No matter what. I'm his older brother and it's my job to be there for him. Now more than ever.

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