Chapter One

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Kyle's POV
I glance over at my brother, Jordan. We are redecorating a room in our house for our brother. We are finally getting him out of the group home he's been in since he was ten. We paint his walls a light beige color. Jordan went out and bought some Friends posters. We also bought him a queen sized bed with a big comforter and very comfortable pillows. We also bought a bunch of stuffed animals for his bed. He always loved stuffed animals.

"Do you think he will like his bedroom?" I ask looking at my brother

"I'm sure he will. We decorated it with all of his favorite things. Friends and stuffed animals. Kyle, I can't tell you how excited for us to be living together as brothers" Jordan says.

"I know. Me too. We should have taken him and moved away the second mom and dad gave him to that horrible place" I say with my hand on Jordan's shoulder.

"We were only twelve, dude" Jordan says.

"I know. I know" I say back

Cade was always a little different from most people. He didn't talk much. He didn't make friends easily. He was always quiet and really kept to himself. He had a very strong connection with Jordan and I. The three of us were very close. He spoke to us but wouldn't talk to anyone else. He was never close with our parents. They really resented him and didn't pay much attention to him. They were always busy working and making billions of dollars. At one point they decided that they couldn't look after the person that Cade was and gave him to a group home at nine years old. I can clearly remember the group home workers taking him away while he screamed for Jordan and I. What could two twelve year olds do though? We couldn't look after him at that age. We were just children ourselves.

Cade always had a stuffed bear with him. He carried it everywhere with him. In school he wouldn't play with other kids. He would sit in the corner of the classroom and read books or play with his stuffed bear. That was his way of feeling safe. That and being with Jordan and I. The three of us haven't seen Cade in years. Now we're finally getting him out of that hellhole and back with us. The way it should have been a long time ago.

Jordan and I haven't been able to see Cade. We've tried to visit him but they always said he was out somewhere or with a therapist. Personally, I don't think therapy does anything. No offense to anyone who it has helped but I just don't see the point of it. Cade deserves to be with his brothers to talk about things. Not keeping it in. From what we've seen, the place looks like a good place for someone to be but since Cade has never been good at making friends, I fear that all that isolation hasn't helped at all.

Jordan and I have been able to hold our own since we were 16. That's when our parents died. We got all of their fortune. We decided to buy a smaller but nicer house so we would have all the money and not have to pay for a huge mansion. Now I'm 21 and Jordan is 20. We're old enough to have Cade in our care now. We're so excited to have him in an actual house. I stand there thinking about Cade. Tears start rolling down my face.

"Baby, it's all going to be alright. He'll be with us. We'll be a family. There's light. You'll see" Jordan says holding my hands and with a kiss.

"I know, Jordan. I know. Come on. The group home is on the other side of the state. If we go now we should be able to get there by 3pm" I say.

"Alright, cutie. Let's go. I'll drive" I say. Jordan and I share a kiss and head off to get Cade.

Oh yeah. Jordan and I are also both gay and we are boyfriends. 

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