Chapter Nine

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"No! Kyle! Jordan! Don't let them take me away!!!" Cade shouts as a few people pull on his shoulders

"Cade!" Jordan shouts. Their dad pulls him back.

"It's for the best. We don't know how to care for someone like him" dad says.

"Mom. Dad. You can't do this to Cade. He's our brother. We'll take care of him" Kyle says.

"Kyle. This is for the best. Cade needs professional help and now he'll get it" Mom says.

"No. What he needs is to be with Jordan and I. We'll look after him" Jordan says.

"Kyle. Jordan. Enough. Cade is going away. You two are too young to look after him. We don't know how to look after someone like him and we don't have the time" Dad says

"Do you want him here with you all or do you want him at the Group Home?" One of the workers asks.

"We want him at the Group Home. It's better that way" Dad says holding Kyle and Jordan back.

"No! Kyle! Jordan!" Cade screams out.

"We're sorry, Cade. We're so sorry. We'll see you again. We love you" Jordan says out loud.

Cade is pulled out of the house and put into the back of a van. The van takes off and they can still see Cade looking out the window. The two brothers will never forget the look on Cade's face while he was being pulled out of the house.

Jordan's POV

I'm sleep in bed with Kyle. I hear voices that wake me up. I normally don't get woken up by that but for some reason I did tonight.

"Jordan. Kyle. Don't let them..." I hear from across the hall. I look at Kyle. He is asleep. I guess I'm just a light sleeper. I decide that I should check on Cade. I get out of bed and put on my underwear from today. I grab my phone and turn the flashlight on. I run to Cade's bedroom and see him tossing and turning in bed.

"Jordan. Kyle. Don't let them take me away..." he keeps saying in his sleep. He's having a dream about the day the Group Home workers took him away from Kyle and I. I remember that day well. Kyle and I were 12 and Cade was only ten. I still remember the look on his face when our parents gave him to the workers. I still have dreams about that day sometimes.

"Cade. Cade wake up" I say shaking him awake.

"No. Kyle. Jordan. I wanna stay with you two" he says in his sleep.

"Cade. Wake up" I say a little louder. Cade wakes up and looks me right in the eyes. He's sweating a bit and has tears running down his face. When he sees me, he throws his arms around my neck.

"You were having a bad dream. Are you alright, buddy?" I ask.

"It's my fault, Jordan. It's because of me this family was like this. That's why mom and dad sent me away" he says with his voice shaking.

"No Cade. It wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything" I say in a calm voice and rubbing my hand on his back.

"It's because of mom and dad that this family was like this. Not you. I don't ever want to hear you say that it's your fault again. Alright?" I say sternly.

Cade nods. I get into his bed and stay with him for a while. I want to make sure that he goes back to sleep comfortably. I wrap my arms around him and rub his back. That seems to calm him down. He keeps his head on my chest while we stay in his bed. I kiss the top of his head a few times

"Are you alright, Cade" I say after a few minutes.

"Will you stay in here tonight, Jordan?" Cade asks.

"Of course I will" I say quietly. I kiss the top of his head and lay down in Cade's bed. Cade puts his arm around my body and his head on my chest. I keep my arms wrapped around him and continue to rub his back. He seems to calm down very quickly. Which is good.

"I love you, Jordan" Cade whispers.

"I love you too, baby" I whisper back. 

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