Chapter Eighteen

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The next afternoon I come back inside after getting the mail. I come into the kitchen. Jordan is watching Disney+ and eating mac and cheese. I sit at the table and look through the mail. I see a large envelope with mine and Jordan's name on it. It has the address of Cade's group home on it. I open it and read it. It's Cade's discharge summary.

Name – Cade Ahlberg

Age – 18

Cade arrived at Safety and Respect Group Home at the age of 10 years old. Throughout his time with us, he made vast amounts of progress, both in his personal and social life. Cade enjoys talking to other residents of the group home but mostly to the home's director, Angela Mercer.

Cade appeared non-verbal for the first year and a half. He would not leave his room, he would not eat and would not talk to anyone but after getting to know Ms. Mercer, he seemed to gain large amounts of communication skills and seemed to return to a somewhat normal lifestyle. Cade began to self-harm at the age of 12 but, again, after getting to know Ms. Mercer, she was thankfully able to bring all of that to an end very quickly.

Cade attended Skyline Middle School and Akport High School. Cade was a Straight A student during his time in high school. He spent most of his time studying and reading. Ms. Mercer became his tutor during his freshman year of high school at his request. Although, with Cade's IQ of 182. We see no reason for Cade to have a tutor. However, we respect his wishes.

Cade was on anxiety, stress and depression medications for a few years after admittance. However, after turning 14 years of age, he seemed to no longer be in need of those medications. It should be noted that Cade and Ms. Mercer became very close after he turned 14.

As the Safety and Respect Committee, we attribute all of his success and progress to the help and companionship of Ms. Angela Mercer. The two seemed to be inseparable during his time here.

Cade will be moving out of Safety and Respect and moving back with his brothers.

Something about that puts me at so much ease. Wow. Angela did so much for Cade. No wonder he always talks about her. Jordan and I owe her the world. She is a miracle worker. If she was able to make that much progress with Cade, then she's god in my eyes. Does Cade seriously have that high of an IQ? There's still so much we don't know about him. I smile while I read.

"What's with the smile?" Jordan asks.

"Read this" I say. Jordan takes the paper from my hand and reads it. He smiles too.

"I didn't know Cade was that smart" Jordan says.

"Neither did I. I still don't get why he didn't want to go to college but if he doesn't want to then I'm not going to force it on him" I say.

"Best that we don't" Jordan says.

"Thank god for Angela. If she wasn't there, I don't think Cade would be the guy he is now" Jordan says reading the summary again.

"So true. We have to do something special for her when she's here. It's the least we can do for her for saving or baby brother" I say.

"Should we tell him this came?" Jordan asks.

"Let's wait before we do that. He seems happy with the way things are now" I say.

"Alright. Let's go check on him" Jordan says.

Jordan and I walk up to Cade's room. He's been in there since he got home yesterday. He's been decorating all yesterday and today. We walk into his room and knock on his door.

"Cade. Can we come in?" I ask as I knock.

"Yeah. Sure" Cade says from inside. We walk in and see all that he's decorated. It looks awesome. All of the stuff Jordan and I did is still there but Cade made it look a million times better.

"Wow, buddy. You did awesome" Jordan says.

"Thanks. I've always liked decorating" Cade says.

"This is way better than Jordan and I would have done" I say looking around.

We sit there and admire all the work Cade did on his room. It looks so awesome. I may even let Cade redecorate our house if this is the way he does things. After Cade finishes, he sits down on his bed and we sit there for a few seconds. Cade just wears his pajama bottoms. He doesn't have a shirt on. His abs look incredible. I would run my tongue all over that. He has to know how I feel. Sometime. Just not now.

"You guys wanna go out and do something in town today?" Cade asks.

"Sure. That sounds fun" I say.

"I'm up for that" Jordan says.

"Awesome. Let me change and I'll be ready to go" Cade says.

Cade goes too change and comes back out. He wears a silver athletic shirt, black sweatpants and grey shoes. He has a sweatshirt on too. He looks so cute. Jordan and I look at each other in agreement that he's too adorable. We both want him. If only he was gay. I'd love to have a relationship with both of my brothers.

"You two ready to go?" Cade asks.

"Let's go, big guy" Jordan says with a smile.

We stand up and head out to Jordan's car. Today will be a lot of fun. A day with my brothers. How perfect.  

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