Chapter Twenty-four

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The next morning I wake up with a smile on my face. I feel like I'm actually starting to become a normal person now. I still have all the shyness and not wanting to talk anyone besides my brothers and friends but I really do think I'm becoming a new person. It feels good to be turning into a new person. I'm doing things I've never done before. Maybe I'll never be a normal person but maybe I'll try anyway.

I get a good morning text from ben
Good morning, Cade. I have class today but I wanted to say that it was so good to see you yesterday. I'm glad we were able to make plans for this week. I'm very excited for that. Have a good day. I'll text you later.

I smile when I read that. God he's the best. I really hope that he and I are going somewhere. I love my brothers and want to be with them but there's something about Ben that I just love. He and I have a lot in common and I think he and I would be good for each other. He and I just seem to understand each other. If you could see him. His smile could light up the sky. I smile just thinking about him. I can't wait to see him this week.

I get out of bed and shower. I walk back into my bedroom and get dressed. Black briefs, a silver shirt and black sweatpants. I do my hair and make it look nice. I walk out into the hallway and it's quiet. Kyle and Jordan must still be asleep. I look in Kyle and Jordan's bedroom and they're not in there. Their bathroom door is open, they're not in the shower. I walk downstairs and see a note from them on the table.

Morning Cade.
Jordan and I went out of town to see some friends.
We'll be back tomorrow.
If you need anything just call Alyssa.
Don't do anything crazy.
Kyle and Jordan

Alright. I guess I have the house to myself. Cool with me. I like being on my own. I did it for eight years, I've become pretty good at it. I walk to the pantry and get Lucky Charms out. I get a bowl and spoon out. I get milk out of the fridge and make breakfast. I get my ipad from my bedroom and watch Friends while I eat. After breakfast I clean up and walk to the living room. I mostly just watch Friends for the whole day.

For lunch I drive to Culver's which is a restaurant and get a burger, fries and a oreo shake. I take it home and watch more Friends. It's a quiet afternoon to myself. I really like it. It would be nice if I could always have this. I love spending time with my brothers though.

The evening time comes around and I make myself mac and cheese for dinner. I turn on the tv and watch while I eat. Dinner is quiet with just me. I don't mind. I like it. I love talking to my brothers but being on my own is something I'm very comfortable doing. I finish eating and I clean up. I grab my keys and drive to a convenient store. I start buying a few snickers, a bag of starbursts, kit kats and some other things when I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey Cade"

I look to see who's talking. It's Ben.

"Hey Ben. What's up?" I ask.

"I was out buying some food. What's going on with you?" he asks with a smile.

"I was hungry and wanted shit to eat. You're here a lot aren't you?" I ask.

"Yep. It's the only place I can afford on a college budget. Are you here by yourself?" he asks.

"Yes. My brothers went out of town today. I've been home by myself all day" I say back.

"You wanna hang?" he asks.

"I'd love to" I say back with a smile.

Ben and I pay for our stuff and I lead him back to my house. We get there and go inside. We sit and talk for a while. We even play Cards Against Humanity for a while. Just the two of us. We laugh hysterically because our answers are so funny. After a while we sit and watch Friends for the rest of the night.

"When do your brothers come back, Cade?" Ben asks.

"Tomorrow" I say back.

"Perfect. Then they won't see this" he says. He leans in and kisses me. I smile when he does. I kiss him back. We then make out for a while.

"Wanna take this up to my room?" I ask in a sexy voice.

"Lead the way, baby" Ben says.

I take Ben's hand and we go up to my room. We get on my bed and continue to make out. Before I know it, we're taking each other's clothes off. It's not long before we're in bed making out. Before I know it we're sucking each other off. The next thing I know, Ben gets a condom out of his backpack.

"Ready, baby?" Ben asks.

"Yes" I say back.


"I love you, Cade" Ben says.

"I love you too, Ben" I say back.   

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