Chapter 34: Caught

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As usual, Luke would visit Little George's horse riding lessons during his free time.

However, only Little George was on the horse riding track. Usually, someone was accompanying Little George over there.

But, the person that should be accompanying him was currently standing closely to Dalena while watching Little George.

Max, Little George's horse riding instructor, was laughing intimately with Dalena.

As a man, Luke observed Max's face and instantly saw the desire in his eyes. With the two of them laughing and talking to each other, Luke could see how comfortable Dalena was with that guy.

She was even giving Max a big smile, which is so unlike her when she's with him as she would always be so formal and controlling of her reactions.

With that thought, Luke couldn't help but feel ugly feelings in his heart.

But how could he be so childish just over a mere scene? Pfft. At his age, it's not very appropriate to get bitter feelings about something so trivial.

Luke consoled himself inwardly but when he walked closer to Max and Dalena, the more he got irritated.

"I'll be waiting for your answer..." Max softly said to Dalena, even smirking at her.

'Huh? What does he mean by that?' Luke thought secretly.

Before he could think even more, Dalena answered Max already.

"Okay." Dalena replied to Max while giving him a sweet smile.

How could she smile so sweetly like that to another person? Luke could not keep a calm expression on his face anymore and put on a frown on his face.

At the same time, Luke also could not help but have a distasteful perspective on Max. How could he not get the hint? Don't the other staff already know how special he treats Dalena?

In some way, it is understandable as Max only comes to the estate and does not live in it, but shouldn't he get it as Luke has been more obvious with his intentions for some time now?

'Can you not feel the atmosphere between me and her? How can you still make a move on her?' Luke complained in his head, not even realising how ridiculous he sounds.

Meanwhile, Dalena has finally noticed Luke's presence. She thought that it was a bit odd as Luke didn't seem like his usual self.

'Why does His Grace looks like he's upset about something? But whatever, I won't bother with him. If he's in a bad mood, maybe he won't be in a mood to tease me today so it's less temptation for me.' Dalena mused.

Much to the disappointment of what Dalena expected though, Luke looked at her in the eye with an intense stare.

Then, the next moment, Luke boldly took Dalena's hand and dragged her way.

The gesture of the Duke not only made Dalena surprised, but also Max, who was flabbergasted at the Duke's move.

'Why is the Duke suddenly dragging Dalena so intimately? Could he possibly...' Max thought, his eyebrows still raised up as he sees Dalena having no choice but to follow Luke.

Speaking of which, Dalena kept trying to unclasp her hand with Luke's but he was just too intimidating and strong, alright?

"Your Grace! Your Grace! What are you doing!?" Dalena asked in an aggrieved voice.

It was fortunate that the estate was large. There are many secluded spaces where no one could see them. Right now, they were behind a big tree just near the spacious gardens.

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