22~Small Talk

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A small hum escaped my lips as I felt Justin's lips press against the back of my shoulder softly. I sigh opening my eyes to the bright room. I guess we forgot to close the curtains last night.

Last night, last night was... I feel my body warm up at the thought as I look out onto the crystal blue ocean, something I seem to have done a lot since I met Justin. Smiling to myself I shuffle around so that I'm facing Justin, my sleepy eyes looking to his wide awake ones. "Good morning." He greets in a still groggy voice that makes me turn into a pile of mush and brightens my smile further.

"Hi" I mumble quietly my fingers tracing every tattoo on his caramel torso. I let out a small yawn as I stretched in his arms. "Have you been awake long?" I asked shuffling closer to Justin and snuggling myself into his side. Justin simply shook his head slightly before kissing my lips softly.

"Bout ten minutes." Justin mumbled his thumb stroking the skin on my hip softly.

"You should've woke me up." I speak quietly playing with Justin's fingers in my hand. Justin hummed in aggreement softly.

"I just thought you might've been a bit tired after last night." Justin explained smirking making me laugh a little before we fell into a brief sleepy silence.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do when you're not here." I whisper to myself before my eyes flutter shut for a moment just enjoying the silence for a moment.

The 'moment' must've lasted a lot longer than I thought because when I woke up there was a warm breeze running through the room as the white curtains blew gently around the doors of the balcony. Also Justin was nowhere in sight but there was a soft sound of a guitar playing and I could vaguely hear words being mumbled followed by brief pauses now and then.

As I woke up more I began to listen out for the words of Jus Know by PARTYNEXTDOOR fit together perfectly whilst sang by Justin who played around with the strings of his guitar. Grinning widely and feeling more awake than earlier I sat up looking around for one of Justin's oversized shirts and slipping it over my head so it brushed against my bare skin softly with my movement. I also slipped clean panties up my legs and rummaged through the room in search of my camera. Turning it on, I slowly walked outside creeping up on Justin who was sat on a wooden chair a guitar resting against his body.

"When I said like: When we grow up, I'mma buy you shit when we blow up" The words of my favourite song flow out of his mouth so perfectly that a shiver ran down my spine and coated my arms in goosebumps. I snap several photos of Justin's bare back, a few red marks on from the night before as he plays the guitar in his hands softly sending a shiver down my spine.I quietly snapped a few pictures of Justin; completely relaxed as he strummed gently whilst singing softly, the turquoise sea making his skin look darker...unf he's so beautiful.

I quickly placed the expensive camera onto the large bed before padding my way back outside my feet hitting the hot sandy stones of the balcony. "Are you still mad that I made you pay for everything, everything" He sang softly as I placed my hands on Justin's shoulders slipping them over to his chest, his body tight before relaxing into my embrace. My nails grazed his skin as I leaned my head against his as he continued to sing a small smile on his face.

"I remember everything, now that I'm watching, just know" Justin finished reaching round to kiss my cheek as I smile still slightly sleepy. "Come here Baby." He mumbled slipping the guitar from his lap and pulling me onto him instead making me giggle like a small child.

"That's my favourite song." I cheese my hands wrapping around Justin's neck as I straddle his legs wincing slightly. Motherfucking big dic-

"Well, it's your ring-tone so..." Justin trailed off shrugging before we fell into a moment of comfortable silence. The sun was so bright it seemed to bounce off the sandy tiles and into my eyes making me squint ass the sun warmed my body. "Your Mom called." Justin mumbled his hands running up and down my thighs slowly as I simply hummed. "Your phone actually rang twice before I picked up; she's worried, thinks you're avoiding her." Justin sighed his right hand cupping my cheek gently as I shrugged.

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