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I follow Justin, my short legs moving at double the speed Justin's seem to be as he heads over one of the many stone bridges which are blocked to non-hotel guests. He leads me up the lit path, the green plants decorating the surroundings. Jamie stirs a little, snuggling his head further into Justin's neck making me pout a little from the sight as Justin wiggles a key into a large wooden door and walks inside flicking a couple of lights on. Justin walks upstairs, me trying not to die in my shoes as I try to keep at the same pace as him before he walks into a large twin room and lays Jay down on one of the beds. He whispers that he'll just be downstairs when I needed him before walking out.

I slip the shoes off Jamie's feet one by one and place them on the floor, before pulling the thin sheet over his small body so he doesn't get too cold. Not that he could, it's still like 25 degrees outside. I place a small kiss on his head before flicking the lamp by the door on and turning the main light of the room off.

I decide to take my shoes off before attempting to walk down the stair with them on, I feel like it could save me a broken ankle or two. I pad my way down the stairs, my feet coming into contact with the tiled floor as I look for Justin.

This place is ridiculously big. It had at least another floor on top of the one I've just been in and I don't want to move around much due to my habit of getting lost in places like this.

Ignoring my thoughts I walk around the villa, my fingers tracing some of the cursive writing on the wall by the door when I pass it quickly. The words reading 'Malakiya' the Arabic word for royal causing me to roll my eyes, a small giggle falling from my lips. Of course he'd stay in the royal villa. Rich fuck.

I get back to where I was at the start of my mini-tour and furrow my eyebrows. I've pretty much walked in a large circle and didn't see him in any of the rooms. "Justin?" I call quickly and I hear him mummer something faintly from outside. My eyebrows furrowed, I walk towards the outside door now noticing that it had the small guard over the sliding door to stop any bugs getting in the house whilst he was sat outside. I slide open the door and slip out of the door my eyes widening a little at the sight.

"Woah" I gape quietly, taking a seat beside Justin; not too far away from him, but not too close either. Justin simply nods in agreement with me as I take everything in. The river that runs throughout the resort is literally on the same level at us. There's a wall of flowers and trees across from us that are lit up with little fairy lights that look like small stars as the small abra boats pass us almost silently.

I take a seat beside Justin, not too close but not too far away, my hand linking with his softly as I purse my lips slightly. "So, I'm moving." I state plainly taking a deep breath. "It's not for sure yet but... it's gonna happen." I mumble a small humourless laugh escaping me along with the words.

"Uh, where?" Justin asks his eyebrows furrowed as I roll my lips into my mouth.

"Probably Brazil, maybe Miami." I shrug as Justin shakes his head a little. "Dad found out about Mom." I state raising my eyebrows a little. "A part of me is applauding her for finally getting her own back on Dad, the other is thinking of ways to throw her from ten story buildings for ruining everything." My voice is sarcastic but... I feel like if I'm not sarcastic or humorous in any sort of way about the situation I''m going to fall into a pile of tears. Stupid woman!

"You do realise you're twenty two?" Justin asks making me laugh a little as I nod. "You don't have to follow you're parents around anymore, you're not 13. You can stay here!" Justin stresses looking to me wide eyed, a weird sense of...passion? Coming across in his voice.

"Yes but Ja-" I begin only to be stopped by Justin mid sentence.

"Yes but Jamie is not your responsibility." Justin speaks using my words, a proud smirk on his lips as I roll my eyes. "You're not his parent." He adds making me mentally roll my eyes. So Rafaella isn't the first to notice this, only the first to say it to me. "He's gonna have family in Brazil or Miami." Justin says sympathetically and Although I nod in agreement I can't ignore the way my stomach twists uncomfortably at the thought of me having no family. I'd have nobody to rely on but myself; sure there would be Kia and the rest of the girls but... it would never be the same.

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