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"Thank you so much." I smiled walking along the path beside to Justin. He reached down to my hand linking it with my own making my stomach do a quick flip as he just smiled a little.

"It's okay." He mumbled as we continued to walk towards the place where I parked my car. We had already split up from everybody else as they went in a cab back to the hotel. It was about six thirty and the sky was now pretty dark.

Climbing into the drivers seat of the car Justin climbed in beside me huffing as he pulled the seat belt across his body. Music flowed quietly through the car as I pulled out of the space after carefully checking if there was any cars coming several times. We hadn't been driving long when we hit the traffic making me huff. "is it always this bad?" Justin asked wide eyed as he looked down the road at the hundreds of cars waiting to move and get on with their night.

"Yeah, it gets pretty bad." checking the mirrors to see if there's any traffic too close behind. I swiftly reversed missing the car behind by centimetres (milimetres more likely) and turning sharply through the turnoff we were about to pass.

"Charlotte!" Justin exclaimed making me laugh as he sat his eyes wide and hand holding tightly onto the door as I sped down the turn off and around several corners. "You've just reversed in the middle of a six lane fucking highway!" He pointed out his eyes wide as he flicked his gaze between the road in front of us and me.

"And? I told you, people are nuts here this is why I didn't want a driver; none of them know how to actually drive." I grumbled slowing as we came to a stop before some traffic lights. I heard him mumble something under his breath but the music from the radio that was playing in the background muffled it slightly. "What?" I mumbled taking a right turn and heading down the annoyingly cobbled road.

"You don't know how to drive either." He repeated a little louder making me laugh in agreement. He's probably right, I sometimes wonder how I passed my test.

"Where are we going?" Justin asked raising his eyebrows as we continued to speed around the turn.

"I'm going a different way." I mumbled trying to remember which way to go.

"You mean we've sat here for twenty minutes for nothing?" Justin asked his facial expression flat as he looked to me.

"Yes, but I couldn't exactly just pull into this lane when it was bumper to bumper traffic." I pointed out suddenly slightly exasperated at Justin's high expectations of me. I huffed loudly before stopping at the red light a silence filling the air. I heard Justin snicker from beside me.

"You do realise I was joking." Justin stated chuckling at my pursed lips as I clung onto the steering wheel. Continuing to huff I sped down the road concentrating on the cars around me and the music flowing out of the radio. It was only when the radio cut out when we went under an underpass that it became very... awkward.

Turning into the hotel drop off area for the hotel I slowed, very few people were around as I pulled further around the turning circle. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I'm looking after Jamie. He has a random day off and he has football in the afternoon so can't really do anything." I grumbled rolling my eyes remembering that my Mom had texted all day reminding me.

"Could I maybe... come along?" He asked scratching the back of his neck shyly making me narrow my eyes.

"If you want to spend your day looking after a six year old? Sure, but you have two and a half weeks left here so I suggest you get yourself down to the beach." I smiled shaking my head a little as Justin just stared at me brightly.

"Yeah, Amber and Atifa only want to tan all day, I get bored. Anything's better than that." He mumbled his voice quiet and raspy as he creeped closer to me. "Can I kiss you again?" Justin whispered making me giggle and shake my head as I looked out of the front window of the car contemplating what to do next.

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