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Justin lead us grabbing my hand in his as he walks swiftly the only noise between us is the sharp and repetitive click of my heels against the floor.

"Stop. Stop!" in exclaimed annoyed with Justin as he pulled me along behind him. I saw his shoulders rise before falling as if they weighed several tonnes. "What's up with you?" I asked pulling my hand from his grasp and refusing to move from my space. I could see Justin mutter things under his breath at my defiance whilst I just stood with my arms folded the best stern face I could muster on my face.
The sea crashed against the sand, I could hear the waves moving softly in the distance to my left as people chatted away with small laughs flowing throughout the room on my right.

"Come on," I grumbled noticing that nothing was obviously going I be said here or now. I slipped off my heels as I dragged Justin onto the soft sand and holding my shoes in my hand. The chatter of people began to disappear as we both walked nearer the sea, instead the crashes of the waves against the golden sand became louder. I sat down, a few steps away from the waves Justin following me and sat with his legs slightly bent as he looked out to the sea which was pitch black in the night.

"I told Atifa about...what happened." he mumbled his voice low as if he was afraid of my reaction to this. I just nodded waiting for him to continue. "She, she said that, something might have happened with you, in the past. I probably shouldn't even ask you this, we haven't known each other that long at all but are you okay? has something happened?" he asked all in one breath making a small smile break out on my lips.

"Justin," I began only to be cut off by him ranting again.

"I know, but I just have this want to make sure you're okay. You seem like such an amazing person and I want to make sure you're okay and I know it's weird and strange but."

"Justin!" I snapped looking at him wide eyed as he just stared towards his feet not looking up to me.
"Something happened, but it's nothing for you to worry about, not now, is in the past." I smiled remembering Kiaras words from earlier. Justin was silent but his arm reached out to my hand touching it softly making me jump slightly before relaxing into his touch.

"Last year I spent six months in Brazil, I went to work with some charity and helped out with the kids there and it seemed kinda perfect because Mom's Brazillian and I got to see my family there and everything. Whilst I was there I met a guy called Jonnie, he seemed...pretty perfect; and for the majority of my one there we were together. A week before I was meant to leave, I kissed somebody else and before I could explain anything to him he just, disappeared. He never answered any texts, calls, emails- nothing. I was just... stupid." there was a short pause as we both looked out to sea. I doubt justin knew what to say to me, how he could possibly provide the slightest comfort, he just can't.

"You're the first person I've kissed since we were together and I freaked because, well, it's dumb as hell but I still feel like I... owe him something. I hurt him and I don't feel like I deserve to have somebody else." My eyebrows furrowed as I attempted to understand my own mentality. The fact that I don't understand it myself says a lot about the whole situation. "It's rediculous." I mumbled my eyes fixing themselves on the sand below us the small grains running through my fingers as I raked it through the soft sand.

"It's not rediculous" Justin mumbled his arm coming around me the soft pad of his thumb tickling my arm pleasantly as he comforted me.

"Most people disagre with you there, including me." I smile sadly to myself my eyes still fixed on the floor. We spent the next few minutes in comfortable science. Justin's arm slipped back towards his side and we just sat watching and listening intently to the waves as they tumbled against the sand.

"You scare me." I mumble quietly. Justin shifts beside me and I can feel a small tension grow between us.

"W-what do you mean?"

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