32~"So you and Justin?"

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Songs: Pardon me (Lynx Peace Edition) by Naughty Boy, Asylum by John Legend, Innocence Lost by Eric Hasle feat. Tinashe


"So you and Justin?" Rafa asks, a smirk on her lips, one eyebrow raised as she sips at the bright pink smoothie in her glass. I shrug sighing as I continue to chop the bright red fruit on the chopping board below me that was resting on the counter top. "Well something happened... I heard you guys..." Raf chuckles as I bite my lip nervously.

Conveniently Alex walks into the small open plan kitchen causing my cheeks to heat up a scarlet colour before I lick my lips, fully takin in the sight in front of me. Alex looks to me a boyish grin on his face, his hair long and messy to fall just above his eyebrows. The slightly baggy denim jeans hang fairly low around his waist as his whits shirt hangs loosely against his torso. "I didn't realise you had company?" His voice softly asks as I nibble on my lip nervously.

"Oh, um, yeah..." I stutter fumbling around the counter in front of me panicking because of the small situation unfolding infront of me. "A-Alex this is Rafaella, my cousin; she's visiting from Brazil, and Raf this is Alex... My boss." I mumble the lat two words knowing that her jaw would drop to the floor. I don't even have to look. Technically he's not my boss; I mean, Alex's Dad owns the company as a whole but Al and Carter simply run the Dubai office. I don't see the big deal - it's not a big deal right?

"So...uh, I think I'm just gonna... take off." Alex speaks awkwardly scratching the back of his head as I nod understandingly mumbling a small 'okay'. Rafaella is still staring at him and as Alex turns his head I have to toss one of the grapes in the container in front of me at her to try and drag her attention away from him. "Uh, Carter wants to speak to you about something when you come back next week." I nod a small noise of agreement leaving my mouth as Al gave me a quick two fingered wave and heading towards the door.

"Bye." I call a small grin on my face which makes him chuckle at my silliness before mumbling a small 'bye' in return and closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door clicks shut Rafaella lets out a high pitched noise, her mouth open as she glares her eyes at me slightly. "I like him!" She almost growls, her eyebrows raised in slight surprise as her finger flicks towards the door to our backs. I hum to myself trying not to spur her on more but I can't help but let out small giggles at her over dramatic personality. "And here was me thinking I was gonna get to meet a superstar today." Raf gasps slapping a hand against her chest and sighing. "By the way that was so much better." She whispers as I fling another grape at her head.

"Stop..." I whine popping a strawberry in my mouth and rolling my eyes. "Justin came over, we... talked and he slammed the door on the way out. I called Al, we hung out for a few hours then shit happened." I shrug, my cheeks still pink as I turn around to find a bowl for some of the fruit I've been slicing for the last ten minutes.

"Nothing like that just happens Charlie!" Rafaella laughs squinting her eyes at me. "I want one!" She strops in a whiny voice, tapping her fingers impatiently against the counter. "I know I said life's too short for shitty sex and relationships but... goddamn you took it to another level Char. Please tell me he has a god like brother too." She squeals and it's like I can see her face as the heart eyed emoji as she makes grabby hands out in front of her.

"He does, and he's in a relationship with Lola; they're cute as fuck so you should keep your nose out. Also, please stop exaggerating, you're getting annoying now." I grumble eating a small cube of pineapple (I'm still obsessed with fruit, okay?)

We sit in silence for the next few minutes the TV quietly playing in the background, E! news making me roll my eyes at almost every story. "I'm picking up Jay from Mom and Dad's in a couple of hours and he's staying here tonight; just so you know if you don't want to be around a screaming seven year old child." I explain licking some of the sweet fruit juice from the tip of my fingers.

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