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  • Dedicated to ALL OF YOU PEOPLExxxxxx

"Mom?!" I repeat louder my voice cracking slightly as I continue to stare at her wide eyed. They both freeze in their place as I stand completely devastated at the sight in front of me. As though coming to a sudden realization, Mom quickly pushes this Christopher guy (I'm guessing) off her and tries to tidy her messed up hair. Scraping back the loose strands or hooking them behind her ear as she panted heavily.

"Charlie, what are you doing here?" She asks quickly pushing her skirt down where it had been pushed up by him. My mouth fell slightly ajar as she wore a small smile as though nothing had just happened. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out; is she serious? A single tear rolls down my cheek as my lip wobbles and throat continues to burn. What am I doing here? The words continue to swirl around my head as my stomach twists tightly and a sudden coldness runs through my veins.

"What am I doing here?" I ask scoffing my mouth falling open as another tear rolls slowly down my cheek. "Are you serious?! What am I doing HERE?!" I repeat shouting towards the end as my hands shake and sight becomes blurry. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask my lips pursing as I look at her in disgust. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?!" I yell my body suddenly burning as I begin to process everything.

"Don't use that sort of language wi-"

"Why not?" I ask interrupting her. "I don't respect you, you're fucking messed up." I snap as my chest rises and falls heavily whilst sniffing. There's a small silence as I rub my hands over my face roughly trying not to fall into a pile on the floor.

"Charlotte, please listen to me." My mom began speaking her accent stronger; like everytime she was upset, but I shook my head quickly holding my hand up to silence her.

"I don't want to hear your apologies. I don't want to hear about how he fucked you. Are you understanding me?" I ask taking a few steps towards her. Anger binning to run violently through my veins. "I don't want to know about how or when it happened." I add using my fingers to count the 'how' and 'when' whilst several hot tears come down my cheek. "I don't want to know about even after I originally found out and you promised me you would stop this...this.." I trail off thinking about my words as I gesture to the two of them. "This whole thing, I'm still here, watching you whore around in my home."

"Don't talk to her like that she's your Mother Charlotte." This Christopher guy speaks up as I simply stare at him in silence for a moment my hand coming to cover my mouth as I squint at him. I purse my lips taking a deep shaky breath, my eyes still narrowed in his direction.

"Shut up." I simply mumble my gaze not breaking from his as I glare in his direction. "Who even are you to be telling me on what to say and not say?" I snap licking my lips before pursing them slightly. "I'm not even started on you yet." I croak tensing my jaw as I turn my attention back to my Mom who had several tears rolling down her face, which formed several black lines down her cheeks.

"You remember what happened when dad cheated, right?" I ask quietly my eyes on the floor as I see Mom nod slowly. "Pay attention Christopher; this is what she's really like." I mumble clenching my jaw as my throat continues to burn. "Shipped me off to Brazil when I was twelve, so she could have her space for six months. I got a phone call per month...if I was lucky and she only came back because my Avo threatened to try for full custody of me. I was so confused." I finish my face scrunching up as my lip wobbles slightly still.

God, I need to calm down. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest and my blood racing through my body. The rage inside me is burning like a fire and I'm not too sure what to do. My legs feel numb, I don't even know how I'm still standing up. I take a deep breath to try and calm myself but it didn't work. I turn my attention to the guy standing too too far behind my Mom his head bowed to the floor as I stare at him coldly. "I want you to stop ruining my family." I state simply grabbing his attention. "Whilst you're at it you should stop fucking up your own too." I mumble scoffing to myself. "I want you to to leave." I state but it's more like an instruction. "NOW, please?" I ask shouting and I feel like I might collapse.

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