13~Flustered Boss & Lamborghini's

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  • Dedicated to FlawlessPeopleReading

"So you sucked him off?" Kiara's voice asked flatly making me burst out laughing my mouth hanging open at her sudden vulgar question.

"Oh my god! You have no shame." I screeched whilst laughing from her blunt question.

"That means you did Charlie. What else happened, have you fucked yet?" She asked eagerly making me turn crimson as I sped down the road shaking my head.

"No, we haven't 'fucked yet'." I mumbled honestly but shyly. My cheeks were still bright pink as I pouted to myself. As funny but embarrassing this is I'm beginning to wish I'd called somebody else.

"So you guys just did other stuff then. That's cute." She stated making me roll my eyes.

"How's it cute exactly?" I asked my eyebrows furrowed as I concentrated on finding the right turn off for Kiara's house. She only moved a month ago and I still forget where the right turn off is every so often.

"Because he's Justin Bieber and he has a reputation for having sex with any female who shows him the smallest bit of attention. The fact that he's taken you on dates, spent pretty much every day of the last week and a half with you as well as not slept with you yet says a lot." She ranted making me widen my eyes. I didn't realise his reputation was that extreme. A small 'oh' left my lips as I pulled into her street parking up on Kiaras driveway. "I'm not going to tell you to stop dating him or anything but like..." Her voice trailed off as she thought of how to get her thoughts out. "don't be surprised if he tells you about crazy ex's or something." She stated lightly as if she was explaining what she ate for breakfast. Meanwhile I was sat my lips slightly pursed and eyes slightly narrowed. "Don't get too hung up on it though. Weren't you meant to be spending today with him?" She asked making a small huff leave my lips.

"We were but then he remembered that he'd arranged to play golf with the boys and left me alone. The best part of it was that he told me just to wait for him to get back but no way in hell was I going to just sit around waiting for his ass!" I ranted throwing my hands in the air. Picking up my phone I turned the car engine off and jumped out the land rover and walking into Kiara's empty house. "I think I might go for a run." I spoke more to myself than anybody else making Kia cough loudly.

"You're insane! It's thirty degrees and you're thinking about going on a run. You've officially lost it." She spoke making me giggle a little as I picked up my heels from the other night.

"Maybe, I dunno but I'll talk to you tomorrow." I smiled hanging up as I left the house making sure to lock the door with my key.

After going for a run down at the marina and buying myself a well deserved Strawberry frapuccino from Starbucks I headed home to change and go swimming, maybe lay in the sun a little. I can't help but be a little disappointed at Justin ditching me today. He had a week and a half left here and I just want to spend it with him.

"I'm here to see Carter Graham." I stated standing in front of the blonde receptionist who looked bored whilst she looked at me. The room was all white and silver with several frames of photos hung on the walls the vibrant colours brightening the room even more.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked making me look in my purse for the business car he gave me last night.

"No, but I have this card." I mumbled handing it over for her to inspect. Scanning her eyes over the card then over me she pointed down towards the corridor on her left rolling her eyes and handing the card back to me.

Heading straight down the corridor to my right with the grey stone tiled floor making my small heels click against the floor. Knocking twice on the painted white door I pushed down the handle making my way in to the office only to look up and see a brunette woman neatly sat on his lap looking very alarmed at my arrival. Carter whispered something in her ear making her huff and stand from him and pass through the door behind me. "Fun?" I asked smirking a little making him chuckle nervously running his fingers through his hair as he pulled himself under the desk.

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