4~"Lions are...cute"

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Somehow i escaped the hotel even if it was in the early hours of the morning. I didn't sleep at all my mind too occupied with thoughts of Charlotte and where I'd went wrong.

"So where is she? I heard you guys spent the night together." Za smirked as soon as I sat down sighing in the ocean blue chair my hands covering my tired eyes.

"At home...I think. I don't know, she left, I must've done something, I don't know." I mumble tiredly covering my eyes yawning a little after.

"What happened?" Za asked his eyebrows raised a little as I began to fall asleep.

"I kissed her and she just, I don't know freaked." I shrugged turning into my side on the blue seat my eyes closed and stinging with tiredness.

"Whatever insomniac, we're going out for food tonight, okay? oh and Amber gets here later." he grumbled and I could picture him shaking his head at my lack of communication making me smirk before drifting off to sleep.

My ears pounded six hours later music booming through the halls of the suite. my eyes shot open as my head buzzed and throbbed begging for more sleep. six hours is good- for me at least. my feet tumbled messily across the floor as I rubbed my eyes lazily before falling onto the plush white bed and looking into the sparkling blue ocean. It took me a moment to realise what song was still playing loudly thoughout the apartment before I was absent mindedly singing along with the song. "xylophone, play it all night long." I mumbled along in a lower key than the song going to the wardrobe and sifting through the clothes that were hanging up until I found an outfit that was acceptable.

Within the hour we were in the large black van on our way to the fountains, or wherever the hell were supposed to be going. "So what exactly happened?" Atifa asked her eyes wide and I could see Zas arm wrapped protectively around her waist. I widened my eyes giving Za a look before shaking my head and rolling my eyes. can't I have anything to myself.

"We both had a little to drink." I began slouched in my seat my phone right in my hand. "and I kissed her and she kissed back and I don't even know what happened but like five seconds later she's pushing me off her and I'm getting like slapped and stuff and then she was gone." I ranted all at once rolling my eyes. Now that Id got it out in the open it seemed so much less frustrating.

"Something's happened to her for her to be like that." Atifa mumbled wide eyed looking to Za for his agreement but he wasn't even paying attention and instead deep in conversation with Ryan.

"Yeah but I haven't done anything to her!" I protested my eyebrows furrowed as I sat more upright in my seat.

"Nobody is saying you have but when you've had someone do something to you, or had bad experiences with absolute dickheads you tend to be more..." she trailed off as I looked around the car not being able to look her in the eye. "more cautious. she might've just been touched or her last relationship ended badly or some shit but it matters J. don't be hard on yourself but don't blame her either." She scolded sitting back in her seat.

"You shouldn't be trying to shove your dick in her anyway, she seems nice so you shouldn't ruin it." Ryan acknowledged knocking my arm playfully making me slap his head in return. I rolled my eyes internally remembering how the day before he had acted so icy towards Charlie when she came to the hotel.

I find myself smiling widely knowing it most likely wasn't anything I did, the worry slipping from my tense shoulders.

"Oh Biebers thinking about the chick again!" khalil laughed making everyone laugh annoyingly leaving me to sulk and pull my phone from my jean pocket.

"I think you over reacted." Kiara stated as we sped along the highway in her large white car.

"Really? I thought that was justified." I shrugged looking out the window through my sunglasses. truth is I know I overreacted, I know there was no need to snap at Justin and storm out like I did. the whole thing just escalated far too quickly.

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