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  • Dedicated to ALL OF YOU xx

"I mean, I totally over reacted and I feel a bit shitty but like..." I stopped my rant with a sigh. Other than his small comments getting on my nerves I had no right to go off on Justin, or react like I did. However I also don't think he should've told me what he heard like he did. It was humiliating. It was like the equivalent of... well I can't think what it's the same as, but it was a shitty thing to feel. "I really like him though. I love spending time with him, he makes me... really happy." I speak into my phone smiling to myself as I look out onto the shimmering blue sea. "I'm just scared I'm going too fast again." I mumble sighing as a small breeze runs through the balcony.

"As not only your cousin but one of your friends, I can happily tell you that you always do too fast." Rafaella giggles through the phone and I can almost hear her shaking her head at me. I hum in agreement as I look through the mini fridge that was found in the suite. "Where are you now?" She asks me quickly, her accent becoming more clear as she spoke.

"I'm in the hotel, about to sit down on the balcony. You remember Aali (my friend), right?" I asked taking a seat in the roasting sun.

"How can anybody forget?" She asked laughing a little as I sipped my orange juice slowly under the sun.

I laughed in response shaking my head. Aali can get kinda crazy when in the right mood; and by in the right mood I mean when alcohol is around. "Well, she got completely shitfaced last night and is still passed out asleep. I don't even know where she got it from because you know what it's like here. As soon as you leave the hotel you can't come within a inch of alcohol." I sigh squinting my eyes. Damn, I really wish I had my sunglasses right now. I'm being blinded.

"You know what she's like though." Rafa's voice mumbled after she giggled a little.

"I wish you came." I mumble closing my eyes as I soak up the warmth of the sun. "It's been too much drama and everybody misses you." I explain a small frown on my face as I think about how much better it could be if she was in fact here.

"I wish I was but... you know why I can't Charlie."

"I know. I said you were too busy with work, or college or something." I mumble looking at my matte white nails that looked even more amazing in the blazing sun.

"I have to go now. Adeus miss América." She giggled before hanging up. She's called me the name since I was at least ten and it still makes me laugh. I don't even live in America anymore.

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I'd spent my afternoon watching Netflix, eating, as well as scrolling through Tumblr and Instagram. It was six thirty when Aali strolled into the room looking like some sort of underworld troll and I was halfway through my dish of pasta and episode of Pretty Little Liars. "Are you okay?" I asked stifling my laugh. Her hair had pretty much exploded into every direction as she groaned, her eyes tight shut as she took a seat beside me.

"I'm alive, that's what matters." She croaked making me snort.

"Never over dramatic are you?" I asked rhetorically standing up to get Aali a bottle of water and some Advil. I hand them to her as she curls up in a ball on the sofa. "I'm going to get ready Hun." I call fairly loudly from the other side of the room and watch fully entertained when she scrunched her face up in pain and shushed me.

I quickly walk to the room where all my stuff was and plugged in my curlers. I was already dressed from earlier meaning I only needed to redo my make up and sort my hair out again. I pick up my phone and connect it to the sound system that was built into the suite and going straight to my music app and shuffling all songs. After a short silence 0 To 100/The Catch Up by Drake began to play making me smile to myself. I love this song."They be on that rap to pay the bill shit, and I don't feel that shit, not even a lil bit." I sing/rap to myself quietly.

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