17~Champagne & a Stroppy Boyfriend?

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  • Dedicated to AnybodyWhosBack@SchoolThisWeekImPraying4U

I stayed in my spot frozen for a moment longer. A smile on my face as I glanced to Justin who was looking as if he wanted to punch himself repeatedly in the face. "I-I didn't mean" Justin stuttered making my heart sink slightly.

"It's okay." I smiled giggling a little at the whole situation. This is so ridiculous. Two weeks ago I'd never even met Justin and now I'm his girlfriend... apparently. Justin began to shake his head whispering 'shit' under his breath repeatedly before I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Chill Justin, it's not that big of a deal." I tried to sooth him but it obviously didn't work because he abruptly stood and stormed past me and almost ran down the metal stairs. "Justin?" I shouted before he darted out of sight making me huff. This is ridiculous.

"Where's he gone?" Atifa asked and I just shrugged looking to see if I could spot him somewhere in the crowds. I could see just see him moving in the distance; or more like I could just see his security guards in the distance pushing through the crowds of people.

"I think he's going back to the hotel." I grumbled standing and hooking my purse onto my shoulder. "Listen, I'm gonna have to go and speak to him." I sighed shaking my head before practically running down the stairs of the stand. Atifa barely had time to respond to me because I was off, running around to the back of the stand and hoping the same cut through was still there. This is the advantages of coming here every year for five years, you get to know your way around.

Rushing towards the black SUV they obviously brought here I began to shout loudly. Obviously not loud enough since a moment later the car pulled away making me roll my eyes. I seriously thought I was dramatic, but Justin? Justin is worse than Jamie and I combined- and believe me, we're from a dramatic family.

I was about to walk over to the taxi's which were lined up neatly near the car park exit when I felt a tapping on my back. "Charlotte, right? Charlotte Forster?" A man who looked around the same age as me asked. He was much taller than me and blocked the brightness of the sun out enough for me to lift the sun glasses from my eyes.

"um, yeah." I nodded puzzled as to who this beautiful person in front of me was.

"I'm Alex... Graham. Carl's brother." He clarified as I made a small 'oh' noise and shook his hand forcing a smile on my face. "Were you leaving?" He asked his eyebrows furrowed as I stumbled over my words for a moment.

"Yeah, I uh- There was a...um." I attempted to explain stumbling over my words before forcing an awkward laugh and shaking my head. "You know what? It doesn't matter." I continued to laugh awkwardly not knowing where this was going.

"Where are you staying?" Alex suddenly asked testing my memory as I paused for a moment.

"St Regis." I answered as soon as it came to mind. His eyebrows raised for a second before nodding and mumbling a small 'cool'. We stood in awkwardness for another minute before I decided to speak up. "I was just about to get a taxi." I smiled politely gesturing with my head towards the long line of cars parked with drivers either leaning on or sitting in the cars despite the extreme weather. "See you next Monday." I smiled whilst slipping my sunglasses over my eyes and walking away only to be halted by Alex's voice again.

"Take my number, maybe we could meet up and have a drink sometime." He spoke confidently handing a small white card with his name and contact information on. There was no question when he said we could have a drink, it was more like 'I want you to, so you will at some point'. I thanked him silently slipping the rectangle in my bag that was still tightly gripped in my hand. "Tell Bieber to have a word with himself too, his photography skills aren't as good as yours." Alex joked winking at me before walking away.

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