27~Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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  • Dedicated to 104 VOTERS ON LAST CHAPTER♥

Songs: Extraordinary Love by Stacey Barthe
Smash Into You by Beyonce
Photograph by Ed Sheeran

I feel a set of hot lips trace across the skin of my shoulder. The feeling sending shivers along with tidal waves of warmth running through my body whilst I shrug Justin off me softly. I attempt to peel my eyes open only to groan when I am instantly blinded by the hot, bright Arabic sunlight. My eyes immediately close shut as I throw my arm over my eyes and snuggle further into the fluffy cushion of the bed. My eyes sting slightly as I squint, my face feeling puffy as I internally curse at myself. I forgot to wash my face after last nights tears....great. "What time is it?" I ask but it come out a more of a croak due to my tired voice.

I hear Justin shuffle for a moment before announcing that it was 10:30 to me. Great, only 6 and a half hours until you leave. I feel slightly sick at the thought of saying goodbye. I pout slightly to myself as I look out the clear window admiring the beautiful view. I bite my lip in concentration, my tired eyes focusing in on the buildings in the slightly dusty horizon; picking out the ones I knew.

"I don't think I ever really... prepared myself for you to leave, you know?" I announce more than ask. Justin hums quietly in acknowledgement but doesn't say a word to me as I pick at my nails in deep thought. It was true, I knew Justin had to leave, but I'd pushed it to the back of my head. A part of me being dumb enough to think he might stay for me, because let's be honest, every girl still has that too good to be true, 'Prince Charming' in her mind no matter how many times she's been let down.

What if he did stay? Would he maybe buy a house here? Shit, I shouldn't think of this. It's all making it very real that in a couple of hours he'll be gone. But just... if he did? I wonder what it would be like, knowing he was here all the time. Knowing I could see him whenever I liked, nobody and nothing to rush us. The thought of spending my weekends with Justin, the two of us snuggled in bed, or on a sofa watching shitty TV or just going to the beach now and again. The thought makes butterflies swarm in my stomach and it twist uncomfortably. Dubai is good for the famous, not for their lifestyles. There is no way Justin would ever be able to live or stay here for longer; as if he'd want to anyway.

There was a fairly loud bang followed by a crushing sound which made me whip my head around to see Justin stood with a sheepish grin on his face. "What are you doing?" I ask my voice wavering slightly as the thought of Justin possibly staying in Dubai blur my thought. Justin's eyes don't quite meet mine as he gestures to the recognizable brown bags at his feet that make my eyes widen as he babbles something to himself but my tired mind didn't quite catch whatever it was. "I thought you were doing that yesterday or whenever it was?" I ask, my mind slightly jumbled with everything I'm being told. At the moment, every moment all seems to blur into one and I can't distinguish one day from another. It's a phenomenon that makes my head fizz and frustrates me 546% of the time.

Justin seems to freeze in his spot for a moment before shrugging my words off, not even attempting to give an answer as he stomps heavily around the room packing all of his belongings. Asshole. I really expected somebody to do these sort of things for him. With Justin basically ignoring my existence as he walked back and forwards, his clothes being thrown in messy piles as he shoved them almost angrily into the designer bags my mind began to wonder once more.

The alternative to Justin living here would be me moving to... well, wherever Justin's going exactly; he's never actually said, I just assumed California. I love Justin... I just don't know if I love him to move away from my famly, my job and basically my whole life. It's then that I realise that I really need to listen to my own advice. We should just accept this for what it is.

A holiday fling between two people who simply... got, carried away and acted... stupid falling into each others arms and becoming smitten in a spectacular country I get to call my home.

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