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  • Dedicated to Babes That Have Read From The Start

Before you begin I would just like to say that I wrote this book when I was 15/16. Thats almost...7 years ago and some of it isn't the best written. However I do love Justin and Charlie with all of my heart so please ignore any mistakes or messy parts, okay?
I hope you enjoy 💗

"Char I've been telling you about this for weeks! Spend some time with your brother!" Mom yells as she marches through the door of her ensuite with her large heels clicking against the tiles. I can only roll my eyes, huffing at her words.

"It's not that I don't want to spend time with him, I just had plans today!" I follow behind her, rubbing my eye lazily. My eyes set on her, watching as she snatches her lipstick from the bathroom counter and turns to me, her eyebrows raised.

"Plans like shopping and trying on designer clothes you can't afford?" She asks, the corners of her mouth tilting up. My mouth opens indignantly but no words leave my mouth until she turns her gaze back to the large bathroom mirror when I mumble a quiet 'maybe', glaring in her direction. I didn't think I was that predictable. "Take him with you just...take him for ice cream or something when you're done. It's not like he's badly behaved." She sighs brushing past me and out of her bedroom. My feet pad behind her as she joins my dad who's stood by the open door looking at his watch in a panic. His company lunch was clearly the priority here and he's quickly getting tired of his bickering wife and daughter. In a moment or two if we don't stop he'll start tutting, or just go and start the car on his own. He's never had patience for our little fights.

"There's money in the kitchen for you guys to get food." She days with a sad smile. She wants to go to this lunch as much as I want to drag Jamie around 25 stores in the mall. "Obrigado, I love you. Thank you Bebe" she smiles blowing me a kiss and telling me she loves me before leaving the house, leaving the door to slam behind her. It takes a good minute of me staring at the door before I fully process what happened. 5 minutes ago I was tucked up in bed, the AC blowing on my face as I prepared for a responsibility-less day venturing around many shops looking for new clothes. Now I have another person to care for and keep alive for the day.

I sigh, my feet slightly stomping back up the stairs as I call Jamie's name. His small head pokes out of his bedroom, dinosaur in hand and big eyes looking up at me. "We're going to the mall to do some shopping." I say, his face drops at the announcement looking at me with slight disgust. "But we can get lunch?" I suggest, trying to get the smile back on to his face. "And ice cream?" The last act of bribery seems to work, he hums for a second before grinning at me widely nodding his head.

It's not that I don't want to take care of Jamie. As my Mom said, he's 6 now and no trouble, but I did have plans for this evening with Kiara. I think sometimes my parents forget I'm 22 and not their live in nanny, although my Dad would argue that the only way I pull my weight is by being a carer for Jamie since I am still unemployed since leaving college.


As soon as we went down into the car park leaving the cool air conditioned mall behind us the heat engulfed me making me wish I had shorts on instead of the loose flared pants I was currently wearing. Jamie held my hand tightly as several sports car revved their engines in the distance making me roll my eyes. What a way to show off that absoloutely nobody wants to spend time with you. I threw the bags into the trunk of the car and went to the drivers seat.

About ten minutes into the drive home my phone began to buzz in the compartment next to me. Grabbing the phone and accepting the call putting it on speaker.

"So you know how I'm possibly the greatest person in the whole of history?!" Kiara's voice asked as soon as I answered the call making me laugh slightly.

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