31~In No Way Bitter

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Songs: Lullabies by Yuna, Let It Be by Labrinth


I've been standing here with my eyes trained on the door for the last half hour, my thumb tucked between my teeth as I nibble on my nail nervously. Justin's still out there, he said around twenty minutes ago that he's 'just gonna wait here'. What does that even mean? Like can't he see that I'm mad at him? But I also just wanna hug him... Nope I'm mad at him.. Look, I've said this before, Justin makes me bipolar.

A small sigh leaves my lips as I reach out to grasp the cold handle of the door. My legs feel like jelly as I slowly pull the door open. Justin scrambles to his feet, smoothing down his crumpled shirt and sliding a small silver object into his pocket. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

My hand reaches out to hit his chest, the slapping noise echoing around us as Justin winces mumbling a small 'ow' as he rubs the spot my hand hit with his hand. I could feel my lips pursing as I sniffled slightly, the two of us still standing in a small tense silence. No more than a minute later I was throwing myself into Justin's arms, my arms tangling around his neck as I let the warmth that usually surrounds my body when I'm around him engulf me.

His arms wrapped around my waist tightly as Justin gently pushed me backwards towards the inside of my apartment. "I'm sorry." Justin quietly speaks against my head, his lips brushing against my forehead as I relax into his hold.

"Don't be sorry Jay. You shouldn't feel sorry." I croak, my throat becoming tight as I attempted to hold back my tears. I find myself wanting to hold onto him forever as his thumb rubs small circles on the exposed skin of my mid back. Justin should nowhere near feel sorry, I was the one who told him to go, to forget about me and not to think about me again, I know I said I'd do the same but... we all lie, right?

Just because I wasn't wanting him to be sorry, doesn't mean I'm not still mad at him, becaus I'm pissy as fuck. Who the hell does he think he is? Parading round with damn models on his arms in all their shitty ass high heels, with their shitty ass long legs and shitty ass and shitty ass long ass trashy extensions. Not that I'm bitter about the time he abandoned me or anything. Cue internal sarcastic as hell smile.

I have issues.

I snuggle my face into Justin's neck and breathe in deeply, the sweet smell of his cologne filling my senses as I feel my muscles relax further, my fingers getting tangled in Justin's long hair. It's so much longer than it was three months ago, I don't think I like it as much- Baby boy needs to cut his hair.

"No." Justin snaps making me tense at his sudden harsh tone as he pushes my back against the wall. "I'm sorry for not telling you I love you before the airport." Justin mumbles as his hands grasp my ass softly in his hands before he picks me up for me to wrap my legs around his waist. I've missed you. "It's the thing that's bothered me most since I left." Justin mumbles, his soft breaths hitting my collar bone before he leaves a soft kiss there. You weren't bothered enough about it to not sleep with blonde models though were you?

Pushing my anger to one side I decided to let Justin to have his fun. His soft lips kisses the exposed skin on my chest softly, his teeth gently nipping at the rise of my collarbones before his tongue soothed the skin there. I let out a small breath I didn't even realise I was holding as Justin's lips brushed against the skin of my neck, slowly making his way up causing a shiver to run up my spine.

"Baby..." Justin groans, his nose nudging my cheek softly as his lips press down softly near my ear. "Can I kiss you Baby?" Justin rasps in my ear as I whimper softly my hair tugging at the roots of Justin's soft -now long (cue my pout) - hair causing a groan to fall from his lips. I didn't realise how much I missed this, him, us.

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