2~Tour Guide?

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  • Dedicated kay YOUuuu

Turns out when I thought that Jamie was settled and no longer sick I was wrong, he had been up all night throwing up. Meaning that I also had been up all night making sure he was as close to okay as he could be. Thus, resulting in my tiredness. 

So now, I'm lying on the couch watching reruns of the Kardashians (the one where Rob accidentally takes viagra to be more specific), tucked up in a blanket with my only other plan being that I'm heading up to bed to continue viewing more of the show in ten minutes. Today has been pretty ideal, I headed to the pool to tan after my parents returned, my Mom rushing up to Jamie and check on him as my Dad asked if despite Jamie did I have an okay night. That's one way of putting it I suppose. I met Justin Bieber and left him my number! Of course I didn't add that with all of the excitement and confusion I feel about the whole experience, instead offering him a muted 'it was good'. 

My attention is dragged from the TV on the wall to my phone when it buzzes on the arm of the couch. I grab it seeing Kia's contact information on my screen.

From: Kia (11:28pm)

What the hell?

I'm confused by the sudden blue message until the next one came through, this it's a picture.  A picture of me from last night, my hair down in it's long curls looking out of the window of a car. A car with Justin Bieber. Another picture pops up on my phone and I feel my jaw drop. I didn't even see anyone take a picture! This time it's of us laughing together in a car,  his hand on mine, it must of been from when he shook my hand as we introduced ourselves, or rather I introduced myself.  I just stared at the picture on my screen wide eyed, too surprised to acknowledge the series of messages from Kia which followed. 

From: Kia (11:29pm)

Why didn't you tell me about this?! Your face is all over fuckin twitter right now!

There was several others but I just ignored them clicking onto twitter to see in fact every belieber account filled with questions like 'who's she?', 'where the hell is this?!' and various comments about Justin. Kiara's messages continue to roll in appearing at the top of my phone as I scroll through the many tweets featuring pictures of...well, me. Eventually bored of my no-replies Kiara begins calling. I hit the red button, not in the mood to hear her screeching as I process seeing my face plastered onto every other tweet on twitter. I press the red 'reject' button again and again and again. The process going on in thirty second intervals for around five minutes until I get bored.

Eventually, with an exasperated sigh I press the green button bringing the phone to my ear as I rub my eyes. I should've gone to bed before I saw any of this. "What do you even want me to say?" I ask clearly frustrated, my lips pursed waiting for the other side of the line to explode into conversation. 

"Hello to you too Charlie." A deep soft voice spoke through the phone making my eyes widen a little.

"Justin?" I asked my eyebrows furrowed as I bolt upright, my head spinning. My stomach flips not only at the sound of his voice but that I've just been so rude to him. Fu.ck.

"Well, yeah..." He trailed off slowly.

"Oh." I choke, having to clear my throat. "I'm so confused." I admit, my words awkward, shoulders and back tense from the interaction. "I'm sorry I didn't think it was you who was calling, my friend is..." I trail off searching for the right way to describe Kia being, well, Kiara. 

"Acting crazy?" Justin suggests and I nod as if he can see me. When I realise he can't I simply say a quiet 'yeah'. "People usually do but don't worry they'll get over it in like...a day." I can't imagien Kia getting over this, she's not one to let things go easily but I don't feel like telling Justin this right now. "I'm sorry about all the pictures, but don't worry about it okay?" Justin asks, his voice soft and caring. 

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