36~The Problem

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Songs: Love me like You by Ella Eyre, Furthest Thing by Drake, Your Love by Moko & Think About It by Naughty Boy, Ella Eyre & Wiz Khalifa

"So she's gone?" I ask, my eyes a little wide eyed as I look to my Dad. His eyes look slightly red and like he hasn't slept at all; not that I blame him. In reply to my question he shrugs carelessly making me puff out a breath.

"She just walked out...I'm giving her space." He mumbled making me mentally roll my eyes. Mom doesn't deserve her 'space' right now, I honestly...I just...deep breaths. "Don't look at me like that Charlotte." Dad warns only making me narrow my eyes at him further; something I didn't even realise I was doing until he just said that.

"I-I could skip Kia's later, I don't mind" I stutter, only for my Dad's hand to rest on my shoulder firmly.

"It's okay, you go, have fun!" He stressed pausing when he heard series of loud bangs from upstairs followed by Jamie shouting 'ow' loudly. I twist my face a little before nodding to myself.

"Okay." I mumble, not liking the feeling of this at all. Something was off, I didn't have a good feeling about today. I guess Dad could always cope if it got too mu- oh my god, I'm not his Mom, Dad can cope. "I'll see you some time this week then." I mumble forcing a smile on my face as I look up to dad nodding mumbling a small bye before closing the door.

I knew that Rafaella kinda had a point with the me being like a parent to Jamie thing but I never saw it as clearly as I just have.

It's too hot, it better cool down a little, I can't deal with this all still. I walk slowly back around to the car, Justin sat next to me with his phone pressed to his ear -like he has been for the last forty minutes- as he argues with his manager. He kept saying how he'll 'make it up' and that something 'doesn't matter', to be honest I switched off a long time ago because it was confusing me too much.

I whine quietly to myself, a dull ache coursing through the lower part of my body as I fall down onto the drivers seat heavily, quickly regretting my sharp movement. I notice Justin smirking proudly out of the corner of my eyes and his hand comes to rest on my thigh, giving it a comforting squeeze before he sighs heavily once more. "No. I've told you, I'll sort it." He snaps in a sharp tone which has me raising my eyebrow a little. Damn, Daddy's mad.

I try to ignore his short answers and low murmurs of agreement from beside me as I reverse out of my parents driveway and drive quickly through the gated estate until we're on the main road. "I can't do this right now." Justin huffs before finally pulling the phone from his ear and throwing it roughly back in his pocket.

"Everything okay?" I ask cautiously, not taking my eyes off the road as I follow the signs towards Sports City, where the office I spend so much time in is.

"It'll be fine." Justin mutters, squeezing my thigh softly which makes my insides turn all warm as butterflies swirl through my body. Now that I'm over the whole Justin disappearing for three months thing (for the most part), I'm having trouble avoiding the elephant in the room (not literally).

It's not like I can just blurt it out, I don't want to offend him or even think about it really. I can't avoid it though. Maybe I could casually slip it in conversation?

'So when are you going back?' casually...They're six words that make my palms clammy and my stomach twist uncomfortably. But I can't just not know. Justin doesn't like to tell me things, important things and it scares me that he might just do what Jonnie did all those years ago. I'm paranoid about that, and I know Justin probably wouldn't do that but...it still worries me.

I take a right and pull down into the familiar gated community I have become so familiar with over the last few years. I flicked my sunglasses up so that they rested on the top of my head as I searched for a parking space on Kia's street.

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