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When I got home that night I only got more and more annoyed at everything Id done earlier. I pretty much ignored Justin all afternoon instead spending time with Kiara and Jordyn. Lola seemed pretty occupied with Khalil and did he own interpretation of Justin and I; aka ignore everyone around you except the person who you may or may not be dating. It's a great way to piss people off.

Not only was I annoyed at myself I was also feeling incredibly guilty that I may have made Justin feel like shit. I didn't sleep that well because of my slight guilt and now find myself completely bored. I've spent pretty much everyday with Justin and now that I wasn't really on speaking terms with him as such, my day seemed a little boring. Truth is, I found my time with Justin very exciting and now that he wasn't around for a day life seemed a little boring.

Mom and Dad had taken Jamie out and left me in the house alone; something that seemed to be a common thing now. So now I was left waiting impatiently for my McDonald's to be delivered at my door and scrolling through tumblr. I uploaded a couple of pictures I had taken a few of days ago before slouching back in my computer chair. Boredom is beginning to take over.

Everything just seemed to be going downhill. Mom was threatening to send me to Brazil or Miami if I didn't find a job soon, I was quickly running out of money, Justin seemed to have disappeared over the last 24 hours and Scandal doesn't start for another two months. As you can see I really have things on perspective.

For the last five minute there'd been no noise except from the music playing quietly from my laptop and... car horns. Every thirty seconds or so blaring it horn twice and it was beginning to piss me off.

Peeking out of my window I couldn't see any cars meaning it must be in front often house and therefore win blocked by the garage type of thing shading the cars from the sun. Slipping on my flip flops by my feet I slid my window up and took a small leap so that I was now stood on top of the car cover.

"Hey!" I shouted as the horn stopped for another thirty seconds but my voice now seemed quiet compared to the volume of the car. all too conveniently my phone began to ring making me pull it out from my shorts and see Justin's face covering my screen. are you serious right now? Could life get anymore stressful?

"Hello?" I questioned lifting the phone to my ear. my arms were crossed as I stood not knowing what to do. I noticed the horn of the car hadn't made a sound for at least a minute now but I still stood there cautiously in case it started again.

"Hey." Justin's voice greeted through the phone. He sounded so cute and nervous but so sexy at the same time, I just want to squash him; that's not normal I don't think. "So, I was guessing you're still a little mad at me for be a complete dick head yesterday but..." he trailed off his voice teasing a I took a seat on the raised edge o the cover. "We did have a date and I still want to take you out." Justin's voice was quiet. "So if you hurry your ass up we can go to our dinner reservations because I've been sat here in this god damned car for at least five minutes trying to get you to notice." my head snaps as I walk to the edge of the cover seeing Justin stood there a smirk on his lips as he looked up to me.

"That was so pointless." I grumbled shaking my head. "you could've just, I don't know, came to the door like a normal person." I laughed shaking me was and he simply shrugged in reply. "So I'm gonna put this phone down and go and get ready now but you can come inside if you want. the doors open." I smiled peeling the phone away from my ear as I planned everything in my head.

Shit, I really don't have too long to get ready then do I?

Immediately, I went to my wardrobe flicking through my clothes mentally saying yes, no or maybe to each item. I eventually settled on black jeans paired with a black chiffon top which I'd have I wear a vet top underneath but... who really cares? Pulling them on I went for slightly heavier makeup around my eyes and a nude lipstick. I threw on a gold bracelet, the one my Mom bought me for my birthday and hooked my arm into the handle of my bag. I also grabbed my animal print fur coat on the way out in case it got a little cooler or we went somewhere a little crazy (it was comfy don't judge me)

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