37~Worth It [Last Chapter]

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"What kind of slut does that?" I can see the obvious hurt on her face, Char looks at me in slight disbelief. I open my mouth to say something as my fist clenches tight. I don't know why the thought of her with Alex is bothering me so much.

Maybe it's because he see's her everyday. He can be there for her when I can't and that's why I'm so defensive about this. I wince a little, my hand beginning to throb a little because of the several hard punches I landed on Alex's body. There's was a few scrapes on it and it already looked slightly swollen at certain parts.

Charlie shakes her head, her jaw clenched tightly and I can see her, struggling to hold back her tears at my words; her eyes flicking to the ceiling as she digs her nails into the palm of her hand.

"Goodbye Justin." Is her only reply, the words kind of stunning me. My frustration at Charlie beginning to slide away as she walks off. Goodbye? What does she mean goodbye? My eyes widen a little the finality of her words only now sinking in as I could hear her heels clicking against the tiles of the floor, the sound only getting quieter.

As much as I know I should be following her, repeatedly apologising for my words, pleading with her to listen to me in once in her damn life... I don't. Despite the harsh beating of my heart against my rib cage, I stand pitifully in front of the counter, glancing at my dull reflection in the mirror and grit my teeth.

She wants to go? She can go. She said herself, she's done. I'm sure she'd much rather be with Alex or anybody else right now.

I pick up the cool face cloth and hold it against my knuckles wincing at the contact if the cool water against my grazed and possibly bruised hand before using my other hand to pull my phone from my front pocket. I use my uninjured hand to text Hugo, telling him the rough address of Kiara's house before passing out a breath.

You know when you fucked up, and it's not that bad? Your heart sinks a little and you kind of curse yourself out in your head but it's nothing more than that.

Well I fucked up... badly.

There's no other way to say it. I've seen Charlie upset but, I've never seen her hurt like that. It's like I can see her face, the look she gave me again and again and again.

It's not some little mistake, it's a huge one a really fucking big one because my words (especially those words) hurt her. Really fucking hurt her! I'm not supposed to hurt her, I never mean to hurt her but in the end I feel like I always do.

What am I doing?

An annoyed growl escapes me as I glance at my reflection in the mirror. Fucktard. If it weren't for him I wouldn't be in this situation. I huff loudly, my nostrils flaring once more in anger and I have to grit my teeth slightly to stop myself from hitting something. Stupid, fucking piece of shit motherfucker.

I can hear her and the hurt in her voice caused my heart to pound a little harder. I did that. My chest tightens and I mentally curse at myself for being such a pûssy. This girl... she's messed up everything, completely turned my world upside down and somehow it's perfect when she's around.

The thought of anybody else seeing, her touching her like I have makes a small wave of rage run through me.

I take a deep breath and eventually make my way down the stairs. My feet trudging down each step as I keep my head down. I can see Kia looking as if she was about to hit somebody in the face, as she spots me her eyes spark a little making me how my head with nerves. I think I need to leave. I can already feel the several stares and hushed words directed at me.

I push my way through the small hallway opening the door to leave and taking a step into the warm air. The thick heat engulfing me as I lean against the wall.

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