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  • Dedicated to perfect people reading

"You're not convinced are you?" I asked as we stepped out of the elevator. The black speckled tiles were shiny and my heels clicked loudly against them as Justin's hand linked with mine. His large hands making mine look tiny. They were warm and soft and the gentle tug his hand gave me every time he took a step due to him being so much bigger than me. It made my lips tug upwards into a smile.

"I don't know, they look okay from above I guess but how great can some water be?" He grumbled as I tugged at his hand this time pulling him towards the outside of the building.

"I said the same thing when Kiara wanted me to come to your concert two years ago." I responded flatly as I leaned onto his shoulder.

"You came to that concert?"

"No, Kiara wanted to but I said you were a teeny bopper how good could you possibly be?" Justin smiled but I could tell it was fake he looked slightly uncomfortable all of a sudden. "Then that guy tried to tackle you off sage and I really wished I was there." I laughed poking my tongue out at him.

"I'm a bit offended you didn't want to see my concert." Justin mumble but I quickly hushed him by talking over him.

"We can talk about that later." I dismissed waving my hand to the side making him chuckle at me a little. "anyways, the moral of the story is I should've expected more and gone To your concert. just like you should expect more and watch the fountains." I cringed hearing my story aloud. it sounded a lot better in my head; most things do after 2 bottles of champagne.

"Okay, I'll give them a chance." Justin mumbled making me grin widely and whisper a thank you several times to him. "but...." his voice was teasing and I could hear the smirk in it, I wouldn't even have to be looking at him. "if I don't like them I get to take you on a second date, deal?" His gaze was expectant and I almost want something to happen to make him really hate them. with a passion, I'm not talking about jut a slight dislike here. I bit my lip nodding knowing that I'm going to wish I didn't agree because everybody I know loves the fountains.

As soon as we take a step outside I miss the coolness of the AC and I'm wishing the sleeves on this dress were shorter, or better yet, non-existent. there's an excited buzz around us and my stomach does a little flip. "what time is it?" I ask excitedly a bright smile take over my features.
"um, five to ten." Justin answers after tapping around his pockets in search for his phone.
"It's five minutes until the last one, come on." I rushed pulling him towards the railing of the lake. many people were crowded around us but not nearly as much as there would've been three hours ago before the first 'show'. I found us a spot at the front of the railing Justin stayed behind my putting his hands either side of my body as to box my body in. his chin rested softly on my shoulder and I leaned back into his firm chest.
"So what exactly happens?" He asked in my ear.
"You'll just have to see." I mumbled in reply keeping m eyes focused on the sand coloured building straight ahead of me at the otherwise of the sky blue water. "It's not my favourite thing for nothing Justin, just watch and see." I sighed along with him.

As I did the small lights that were dotted around the area flickered off and everything went very quiet. Soft music started to play, the sound of I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston, and as the first notes hit my ears the water began to dance. It moved in perfect harmony with the music and I even heard Justin mutter a few 'wow's here and there. I guess the chance of a second dates gone then. For four minutes the water was shot out of the water but in such an elegant way, the sounds of people around me only making me love the whole thing more. the music eventually came to an end and people lingered a few moments before dispersing in indifferent directions.

"So, am I getting a second date or...?" My voice was teasing knowing very well that Justin enjoyed the fountains.

"That second date was always going to happen now shut up. I don't like being proved wrong." Justin grumbled making me snigger at his little strop.

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