9~Endless Arguments

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"Charlotte Maria Forster get your ass out here right now!" Her voice was whispered but there was a hint of anger in there. My eyes were still wide, well as wide as they could be from me waking up so suddenly, from realisation that she'd in fact just saw me sleeping in Justin's arms in nothing but his boxers. Of course all she conveniently could see was his shirtless torso covered in delicious black ink. Thus making my upcoming attempts convincing her that nothing happened 'under her roof' that little more difficult. Kill me now.

"na minha casa." I could hear her grumbling repeatedly, her shoes clicked against the floor of the stairs as she stomped her way down them all whilst I was trying to sneak away from Justin as quietly and subtly as possible. I grabbed a long grey shirt from my wardrobe and throwing it over my head as I walked quickly down stairs towards the kitchen where I knew Mom would be. The shirt reached the bottom of the small jogger shorts I had slept in.

"I didn't Mom." I groaned as I walked in to the kitchen. She had her back to me as she sipped at the orange juice in her hand. She just nodded not even taking notice of me. "Mom." I stated as her eyes raised to mine expectantly but not a word left her mouth.

"I think your Dad almost passed out after you left last night." She smiled slightly. "You've never really been on a proper date like that before, or at least not when they've picked you up from here. That's not even bringing up the fact he was famous." She chuckled making me smile coyly as I stood awkwardly by the kitchen counter."How did you even meet him?" She asked her eyes wide and it made me realise how much her tone had changed from five minutes ago when she was cursing at me in Portuguese.

"So, you know when you and Dad went to Abu Dhabi?" I asked to which she nodded slightly. "It was then, Kiara somehow got us tickets to that club -People by Crystal. Diana took care of Jamie and I'd been there about an hour when my phone began to go off and it was Diana telling me Jay was ill. So I went to leave and everything but the queue for the cabs was miles long and then he just... tapped on my shoulder man handled me my, your, mirror. He gave me a ride home and I gave him my number saying if he needed anything just to call me."

"And he did?" Mom burst excitedly through my story making me laugh and shake my head a little. Deciding not to delay the story any more I just nodded making her smile excitedly. "That's a cute story." She chuckled whilst picking up the clean plates from the dishwasher. "As much as it's cute, it doesn't excuse the fact you two had sex in the house, or had sex at all." She muttered reaching up to the cupboard to put the plates in her hands away.

"But Mo-" My plead was quickly cut off by her loud voice.

"No Charlotte, he's a millionaire, maybe a billionaire even, lord knows how much money that boy has, and you know what they're like; he probably only wants sex from you. That dinner will have meant nothing to him just another two hours to wait until he could get in your pants." Even though I knew her words weren't true they still stung particularly the part where she pointed out that the dinner probably meant nothing. That hurt. Not to mention the way she was going on made me sound like some dort of slut who dropped their panties for anybody who would throw a little attention my way and, gasp, lord forbid, take me out to dinner.

"Mom!" I snapped growing frustrated by her rant. "We didn't fuck!" I groaned my head falling back to hit on of the cabinets. A sharp pain was felt on my thigh making me look her way.

"Don't use that language in front of me young lady!" She warned as if daring me to say it again but I just scowled in her direction whilst sulking quietly and softly rubbing the tingly spot that she slapped seconds before.

"Even if I did though, I don't see the problem. I mean, I'm 22, I'm an adult."I huffed crossing my arms over my chest as I huffed my lips pouted.

"You're an adult yes, but as long as you're under your father and I's roof you follow our rules." She grumbled turning around to me and giving me a stare that could probably kill if needed. I just nodded, complaining about her mentally instead of out loud. They didn't even own the house, it's freaking rented. I scoff internally rolling my eyes. "I haven't got time for this right now Charlotte." She groaned rubbing her fingertips across her temples as she sighed. She's frustrated at me, she always seems to be.

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