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  • Dedicated to EverybodyReading

I woke up to Justin's breath tickling my back as we lay together. The light shone through the gaps in the blinds highlighting small parts of the room as I stayed in my sleepy daze.

Justin's arm was draped on my waist and our bodies were covered by the sheets of my bed as we lay close to one and other. Ugh, my head hurts. Closing my eyes made the light pounding in my head disappear but only made me realise the dryness in my mouth. Sighing to myself I peeled the sheet away from my body and creeped to the cupboard where I stored my oversized shirts since I didn't put one on last night.

Let's just say Justin eventually spotted my tattoo in the bralet style top I wore to Kiara's barbecue and wanted to... see more.

Padding my way downstairs I went straight to the kitchen picking up a cold bottle of water from the fridge and grabbing the tub of Advil and taking two with the first two sips of my water. I was fully prepared to fall onto the couch with the blanket which was neatly folded in the corner and watch re-runs of the kardashians because it's the only decent show that seems to be shown. Much to my disappointment (and shock) I saw Mom sitting in the woven chair just outside the back door. "I see you've came out of your cave." She grumbled flatly as I stepped out onto the patio.

"Why are you here?" I asked taking a seat beside her still sipping on the water in my hand.

"Don't sound so happy about it Charlotte." She teased laughing lightly at me as she shook her head. "I'm going to the dentist in thirty minutes don't worry I'll be away from your boyfriend by then." She snorted rolling her eyes and this time it was my turn to laugh along with her. "I'll go get your fruit." She mumbled getting up from the seat leaving her phone and me behind.

The phone buzzed on the table and me being curious person I am looked at it seeing the name 'Chris' wrote at the top of the screen in white letters. "Mom who's Chris? And why's he saying that he'll see you later?" I asked looking at her screen in interest. Mom seemed to pause in her spot with the bowl carrying my breakfast tight in her grip.

"Oh, this guy from work. He was worried that I was sick so I said that I'd be in pretty soon." I smiled satisfied with her answer mumbling a small 'oh' as I picked at the strawberries in my bowl. "Have you been looking for a job?" She asked taking a sip of her orange juice the ice cubes clinked around in the glass.

I nodded shyly, half lying in answer to her question. "I've handed in my resume to a couple of places." I explained fiddling with the hem of the oversized blue shirt I had earlier thrown on my body.

"You need to start making some money Baby. You went to college did that photography course and you're not even using it." she scolded making me roll my eyes.

"You go get me a job to do with Photography here then. You see how easy it is." I mumbled pouting as a warm breeze ran through the yard. I could feel the temperature rising slightly and I'd only been up half an hour but the sun seemed to beaming down on us as I plopped the last piece of fruit into my mouth.

Just as I put the empty bowl on the table beside me, Justin appeared in the door as it scraped open loudly. He looked a little dazed as he scratched his neck and rubbed his hair leaving it more messy than before. "Nice to see you again Justin." Mom greeted as Justin stared a little blankly at her nodding and smiling a little. "I think I'm going to go now, see you later baby." she spoke standing from the seat and kissing my head softly before walking past Justin's shirtless body.

He looked... delicious. His tattoos on his skin looked more defined and stop out more on his tanned skin making me want to drool from simply the sight. Oh my god, his fucking chest. I'm oogling his body quite obviously now and Justin stood stretching his body out a small smirk on his face. "You look like you're enjoying yourself there." Justin chuckled taking another step outside and closing the screen door behind him.

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