14~"I'm a mess"

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  • Dedicated to ♥'s reading

"I don't belong to you." I state smirking a little knowing it would only piss Justin off but instead he seemed to laugh a little to himself.

His hand trailed down to my waist his fingers drawing invisible shapes on my revealed skin there making goosebumps rise instantly. "You're mine Charlie." Justin repeated more confidently than before his grip tightening on my waist a little more as he continued to make shivers run through my body.

"No I'm not." I sang playfully as Justin pulled my body on top of his so I was basically lying on top of him. Justin just sighed a little grabbing my hands as he kissed me again his lips a little more forceful than mine were when we last kissed. "Jesus Christ." I gasped laughing a little when Justin eventually pulled away. His fingers traced around the hem of my denim shorts as I stilled on top of him just enjoying the peace.

"Do I still scare you?" Justin asked after a few minutes of just laying on the soft sand. Without opening my mouth I nodded honestly as my fingers fiddled with the material at the neck of Justin's shirt. "Why?" His voice was quiet and he looked slightly upset as he asked.

"I'm not scared of your money, your power or army of teenage girls anymore." I mumbled shyly. "I'm scared of you leaving, and how I'm going to react to that. I'm scared of the things you could do to me and the things you make me feel." I smiled answering his question, but it didn't quite meet my eyes. I don't want to think about Justin leaving right now. I'd rather just we enjoy the week and a half we have left together.

The only thing is, trying to just enjoy it is getting harder and harder when I'm constantly reminding myself he'll be gone and forget about me so soon.

"Let's go." Justin announced suddenly lifting me so I was sat on his lap as he just kinda... gazed at me for a moment. "If we stay here for much longer I'm gonna get arrested or some shit." Justin chuckled moving his hand from my thigh and tapping my lower back as a silent signal for me to stand. We walked back along the beach next to the water as it brushed over my feet every so often, my hand was held by Justin's as I leaned into his arm enjoying the feel of hit warm skin against my own. We walked all the way back to the main area with people spending their night listening to the waves of the sea crash softly against the sand as they ate.

Passing a smoothie bar on the way back to the car I insisted that since Justin wouldn't let me drive his posh ass Lamborghini on the way there he at least owed me a smoothie. So before I began my persuasion to drive the Lambo part 2 commenced I was quite happily sipping on my strawberry, banana and kiwi smoothie planning my attack.

If the straw in my drink, short denim shorts and refusal to otherwise get in the car doesn't work, I have no clue what will.

The air conditioning in the building that the elevator to the car park was in was a little too cold but the air con was a small relief because it was still pretty hot at night. "Can I drive?" I asked Justin who just looked at me as if I was stupid.

"Nope." He replied popping the 'p' but making me roll my eyes. Why's he such an ass?


"Because I don't wanna be sat in the passenger seat, I prefer driving."

"Can I borrow it some time?" I asked hopefully. a small smile on my lips as Justin slid his card into the machine paying for the parking.

"Sure, if I'm not in the car with you." Justin stated making me roll my eyes. So that's basically a no?

My plan to tease Justin until he gave in because of sexual frustration kinda turned to shit the moment I asked his permission to drive. That was crap. Instead of protesting any further I just rolled my eyes slightly pissed off at Justin and his stubborn ways. Am I getting to the spoiled brat level yet?

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