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  • Dedicated to beauties reading

I woke up quietly gasping for air my eyes opening suddenly making a small pain run through my head. "You okay?" Justin's groggy voice asked from beside me as I nodded slightly before realising his eyes were still closed.

"Just a dream" I mumbled sighing lightly before shuffling back under the covers. Justin made a small 'mhm' noise as I made myself comfortable telling me he was already half way back to sleep. Justin arm draped around my waist once again his lips brushing the skin on the back of my neck softly. It wasn't long before I could hear his soft snores fill the room making my body feel all tingly as his breath hits my skin giving me small goosebumps on the surface of my skin.

However much I wanted to go back to sleep and simply relax with Justin holding me my heart was still pounding from the images my mind had invented minutes before and my mind buzzing with the events of yesterday. Huffing I slipped from underneath Justin's arm and pulled a hoodie that was on the top of his suitcase over the bra and panties I had on. I creeped almost silently out of the room looking for the leather backed book that I'd seen at some point yesterday in the hope I'd maybe, at least get to eat something.

Scattered around there room was several bottles of the expensive champagne Justin and I had drank last night whilst messing around. Interpret that how you want....

Finally finding the book I flicked through the pages before finding the list of breakfast foods available at a touch of a button. "You guys are so cute." Somebodies voice spoke clearly making me jump. Immediately I tensed my jaw rolling my eyes as I looked to Amber a small, yet sarcastic, smile on her lips as she walked behind me a glass in her hands. "I mean, he's got you running after him already: ordering breakfast for him, then there's yesterday at the race, not forgetting the tonnes of times he's asked you to just come over and drop everything." Amber shrugged and the sarcastic tone in her voice made me want to roll my eyes out of my head and slap her repeatedly in the face (I'm obviously not in a good mood today).

"Are you done?" I asked her dryly trying to refocus on the list of foods in front of me.

"I heard you're his girlfriend now." She spoke almost questioning as I made a small 'mmm' noise not even giving her more words than were needed from me. "He's real proud of himself, came and told me last night when I was in bed." My ears perked up at the last part of her sentence but I quickly dismissed her comment trying to focus on anything but Amber and her obnoxious, head battering voice. "Anyways you need to be more careful now, you know he br-"

"Yeah, he broke your heart and I'm devastated about that Amber, I really am. I don't think you understand how much my heart goes out to you because, if you're telling the truth I've been there and it fucking sucks." I explained turning to face her. "However," I continued pausing as Amber took a deep breath. She'd got way too comfortable once I said the first part of what I wanted to say; but I'm not falling for her sweet, innocent act. It's all bullshit, and I feel like Justin's the only one not to see through her. "I really doubt if he really broke your heart and hurt you so badly you'd be following him around everywhere like a lost puppy. I've said this before and I'll keep saying it, you're taking your own experience with Justin and acting like it's the same with every single girl he dates or attempts to date. Your stories might've fooled them, but I'm not so easy." I snapped picking up the phone and dialing one to order some food.

I thought that Amber had maybe gone back to her room and hide; just like she usually does whenever I seem to be around. Unfortunately when I placed the menu back beside the phone I turned to see her sitting on the couch her phone and a glass of bright orange juice in her hands. Sighing I headed to the small fridge in the corner of the living room holding several bottles of water. "You're not done yet?" I asked my eyebrows raised as I went to my purse to look for my money.

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