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~Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart!~

~Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart!~----------

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Talea walked through the large, wooden doors into the great hall. She watched her surroundings in awe, there were thousands of candles floating above four long tables at which other students were sitting. The tablets were set with shimmering golden plates and goblets.

The professor led the soaked first years to the teachers table while Talea was still chuckling. She looked for her cousin and her new friends and found them at the red and gold coloured table. Remus sat next to James and Peter who both waved at me. Sirius sat next to James and gave me a wink and a thumbs up.

While the first years got sorted, Talea searched for other familiar faces. She saw a few pureblood maniacs that she knew of at the Slytherin table. She let her gaze wander over the Slytherins and saw a boy with black hair and grey eyes that looked directly at her . But her name was called before she could think about the familiar face.

"Talea Hope Lupin!" called Professor McGonagall.

There were a few whispers, Talea guessed they were just wondering why there's a new fifth year student.

Ahe walked up to the chair and sat down. The hat was placed on her head and started to speak "Hmm... another Lupin.

Interesting indeed. You are certainly not lacking wit but Ravenclaw is not the place where you would fit.

Loyal to death that is true but Hufflepuff is no place for you.

Gryffindor or Slytherin? What place do you think you'd fit in? "


"But don't you see it ignorant little girl?" Talea flinched slightly as the hat's voice was getting louder.

"See what?" she hissed back.

"You would fit into Slytherin, you are cunning and I can see how your little head works... you are quite clever, ambitious-"

"And Gryffindors do not posses these traits?" Talea raised a brow, even though she wasn't sure if the head was able to see her, it had no eyes but she am in a wizzarding school, anything was possible.

"And not afraid to speak your mind. Yes, you would fit into Gryffindor as well, you do posses a lot of traits-"

"Then place me in there."

"-But I am trying to protect you, stupid girl. Gryffindor holds a dangerous future, especially for you. Slytherin will make it easier for you, safer."

"The easier way isn't always the right one, aren't you supposed to be wise?"

If it was possible, the hat let out a sigh "Fine, but be prepared, changing the future has consequences."

Talea was just about to ask what that meant when the hat interrupted her thoughts-


Talea walked up to the table where she could see her new friends cheering.

There was no time left to think about the strange words of the hat when the headmaster raised his glass. Dumbledore then cleared his throat and announced "Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you."

"Oh, quite wise words for a wise man." Talea said chuckling.

"I hope we will share a dorm room!" Alice said excited, grabbing my hand.

Talea sat down next to Lily and Marlene and in front of Sirius and James. She watched as the plates fil up and grabbed a piece of bacon.

"Thank god, I was starving!" Marlene exclaimed while filling her plate eagerly.

"You were eating sweets the whole train ride, I didn't even thought it was possible to still be hungry." Talea said, teasing her.

She looked at Talea with a serious face and replied with a huff "Everything is possible, so yes darling, it is indeed possible to be hungry.... Peter is the perfect example. Look!"

Talea turned to Peter who wasn't even aware of the stares while he stuffed his mouth so full that he couldn't even close it anymore and stole a piece of bacon from Remus.

When he finally looked up, he noticed them staring and asked "What?!"

Talea turned to look at Marlene and they burst out laughing.

By the end of the meal, Talea had the time of her life and they went up to her new common room. James and Sirius walked next to Talea, a little behind the others.

"So little Lupin any pranking ideas already?" asked James.

"Why would you assume that I would do such thing? I definitely learned my lesson when I got expelled" She replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Hmm maybe it's the Dung bomb in your pocket or it's the mischievous glint in your eyes." answered Sirius dramatically.

"Since when are you so poetic?"

"I'm very poetic and charming and good looking and beauti-"

"Why are you friends with him James?" Talea asked while Sirius continued to list up things about his beauty.

James smirked at me and replied "Well, because I'm even more poetic and charming and good looking an-"

"Remus! Come here and get your friends, they're getting out of hand!"

Around midnight everyone went to their dorms and unpacked their luggage. Talea was in fact sharing a room with Lily, Malene, Alice and two other girls named Mary MacDonald and Dorcas Meadows, they were already in 6th year.

It wasn't long before she fell into a dreamless slumber, exiting for what was about to come.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now