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~I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination -Jimmy Dean~


and again, let's act like there is a wonderful gif right here because i can't download anything


Talea's eyes fluttered open and she groaned at the sudden brightness, as she covered her eyes with her arm. She could hear faint voices out of the apartment but she couldn't make out what they said. She took her arm of her eyes and sat up. The curtains covered the windows but she noticed light emerging from a crack. It was already daytime, how long had she been asleep?

She pulled up her shirt slightly and saw that her wounds seemed to have healed from Sirius spells, just like most of the scars that had disappeared, leaving only a few. As her fingers traced the marks, she noticed that she already felt a lot better than before. She wasn't in pain and the rapid beating of her heart in fear was gone, now that she knew that she finally felt some sort of safety again. 

Talea decided to follow the voices, only to be surprised to find out that she could stand on her own. She never realized how lucky she was to be healthy, before she went through all of that stuff. Her bare feet tapped onto the wooden floor and she quietly stepped into the hallway. Talea listened carefully and only then she could make out the voices. 

She entered the kitchen with an exited grin and wanted to cry as she saw the familiar faces of her friends. James held Lily's hand as he talked in a hushed tone with Sirius who was leaning on the kitchen counter. Remus face held a frown as his eyes gazed into nowhere. 

Peter was the first person to notice her presence and let out a gasp at her sight. That caused the others to turn their heads into Talea's direction, staring wide-eyed at her. 

"What? Do I have something on my face?" she cursed herself for not looking into the mirror before making her grand entrance. But as she was just about to raise her hand to her face, Lily flung her arms around her. 

Talea was startled for a second but then leaned into Lily with a soft smile, the red-head's body was shaking slightly with sobs and Talea felt a tear running down her cheek. She hated crying. Lily held her tight and whispered how she was worried for her, only to be told by Talea that she was doing fine. 

Lily pulled away and as soon as she did, Peter and James engulfed her from her sides. James ruffled her hair before placing a short kiss on her head. "Don't you dare ever do that again Missy." Peter gave her a grin and opened his arms for another hug, she always loved how comforting his hugs were.

When Peter pulled away, she saw Remus standing in front of her and for a while they just looked at each other. Talea couldn't stop her tears anymore and let them fall down her cheeks, it was as if she finally had the other part of her heart back. 

She and Remus had never been away from another for more than five days, it felt like forever without him, or maybe it was?

"Come here" he opened his arms and Talea gratefully obeyed. Remus embrace felt like home, even though he was her cousin, it felt like she got her brother back. 

Remus wiped away her tears and as she looked up she saw that his eyes were also glassy. "I swear to Merlin if you do that again I will personally make steak out of you" his voice was quiet, as if he feared that it would crack if he spoke louder. 

Talea let out a laugh "I bet I would taste awesome" Remus shook his head in displeasure. 

She let go of him and walked over to Sirius with a smile, he was still leaning on the counter and watched her with the same expression, his arms folded over his chest. Within a second, Talea had ducked and pushed his arms up, so that they were now closing around her waist, as she leaned into his chest.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now