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~ Your kisses taste like eternity, and healing and completion ~



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It was quiet for a moment and I blinked once, before turning to Grace "Prophecy?" 

I heard Mad eye moody grumbling something under his breath before he asked "So this is the girl you've told me about?" 

Dumbledore send him a nod and explained "When the muggle attacks started, Professor Camplyn came to me with news. She had had a vision about a girl, all she knew was that she had a power that could save many lives. Shortly after this conversation, a prophecy followed, I didn't know who it might be for a long time, until you came to me on your sixth birthday, clutching your arm in pain, telling me about the visions you had." 

I didn't know what to say, I was quite overwhelmed by his explanation but Sirius asked the question that I was thinking of.

"Can you tell us the prophecy?" 

Dumbledore looked over to Professor Camplyn, silently telling her to speak up. 

"A girl,

Born when the fifth month starts is given a gift to bring what her name implies,

A gift that lets her see what will happen,

Bound to evil when she reaches her sixteenth year,

Chosen by a higher power, 

To defeat the dark lord.

So that the good may reign."

I blinked a few times before turning to Dumbledore "I'm seventeen... and Voldemort is currently one of the most powerful wizards. I think you've got the wrong girl. I have no special powers, I'm nothing special."

Grace sends me a reassuring smile and says softly "I don't think so Talea, if you go through the prophecy carefully, it applies exactly to you. You ae special, you have to put trust in yourself."

Next to me, Sirius nodded and mumbled "She's right, think about it."

"A girl, born when the fifth month starts", My birthday is May 1st 1960, the beginning of the fifth month. 

"Is given a gift to bring what her name implies" My name is Talea Lupin, there is no special meaning in it. Wait- my full name is Talea Hope Lupin.

"A gift that lets her see what will happen" I'm a seer, I can predict parts of the future. 

"Bound to evil when she reaches her sixteenth year" My sixteenth birthday... That was when I had my first vision. I saw a young man with his followers, the darkness and pain I felt, is something I'll never forget. No, it couldn't have been- "Yes my lord."- Lord Voldemort. Bound to evil, my scar, that randomly appeared that day, the scar that is on the same arm as the Death Eater's mark.

I gasped in realisation; my hands grab the arms of the chair until my knuckles were turning white. My heart skips and I'm rooted to my place, I felt paralyzed. 

Why me?

How could I defeat one of the most powerful wizards of this time? I'm just a seer, I don't have a strong power to kill someone like him. Why am I chosen for such a thing? Wouldn't someone like Dumbledore be more fitting?

Why me?

"Love?" I looked up to see Sirius looking at me, his eyes filled with worry. I tried to pull myself together and turned my gaze to Dumbledore. 

"It's just me against him. There's no way I could defeat him."

"Open your eyes Talea, you're not alone. You have something he doesn't have. Something very important and possibly the strongest power of all. Love."

He's right. I'm not alone, I have my friends, I have my family, I have Sirius, Dumbledore is on my side and he has his own followers. There are many people who are willing to fight against evil.

This task was not given to me in vain. If there is a war, I will not be alone, if I have to fight it, I will win. The good will always win, right?

"Sir, am I allowed to tell my friends about this?" 

"If you trust them enough to reveal such secret, there's nothing wrong with telling them. But you have to be careful, this information has to be protected, it shouldn't be given into the wrong hands."

"I understand that."

"You should go back to sleep Talea, you will need your rest."

After I said my goodbyes, Sirius slipped his hand in mine and we went back to the common room without getting caught. We didn't talked on the way back, but the silence wasn't suffocating, I guess we were both overwhelmed with the news. 

Sirius led me to the couch in front of the fire and sat down. I leaned my back onto his chest as his hands brushed trough my hair softly.

"Sirius?" He hummed in response, braiding my hair. 

"I'm scared", he turned me around, so that I would straddle his lap, looking him into the eyes. 

"Me too, it's natural that you're scared. But I know you are a strong person Talea, you love your friends and family, you would do anything for them. That's why I know you will try everything to win this war, there will be sacrifices, there will always be sacrifices, but I will always be with you. You are not alone; I will be by your side for eternity." 

My eyes watered slightly, I needed this, these words and him, mostly him. I don't know what I would do without him. This boy has my heart and he's right, I won't be alone.

I smiled at him, my hands cupping his cheek softly as we both leaned in. Our lips fitted together like pieces of a puzzle. Fire sparked in my whole body; I will never get used to this feeling.

We pulled away, our faces flushed and I smiled softly at him "Thank you." 

"For what?"

"Being there for me."

"Like I said, I'll be by your side for eternity."

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now