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~The moment that you start to wonder if you deserve better, yes you do~

~The moment that you start to wonder if you deserve better, yes you do~ ----------

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Tw: mentions of abuse

"Show me your powers again" ordered Tom to the blonde girl. She looked up at him, a blue bruise was forming around her eyes, every time Talea saw her, Alvah looked more unhappy and exhausted.

"Please Tom, let me rest. I've already spent so much of my powers today, I'm exhausted." His head snapped towards her and he gripped her wrist tightly "You will do as I say Alvah." She looked up at him, her eyes were filled with fear, when he dropped her hand, she stretched them out in front of her, slightly shaking. A small flame appeared in her palm. Riddle watched in awe but soon his eyes were filled with the desire of power.

She dropped her hands, exhausted and let her back hit the wall. Tom put a finger under her chin and pulled it up "Good job Alvah" he kissed her and said "You know I love you, right?" one hand trailed down her waist.

She tensed; her eyes wide but she whispered "I don't know." Riddle dropped his hand, anger flashed across his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You say you love the rain but every time it rains you pull out an umbrella. You say that you love the wind but you hate going outside when its windy because you're scared that it will mess up your hair. You say that you love the sun but you search for shadows when the sun comes out. That's why I don't know if you love me" Her voice was trembling in fear when she said those words.

His face scrunched up in anger while her eyes widened, she took a step back only to remember that there was a wall. "Are you questioning me, Fawley?" He grabbed his wand and pointed it at her "You remember that I'm superior, right? "His wand brushed over her neck, her breathing was unsteady and rapid "Did you already forget what I'll do to your family if you don't listen to me?"

"N-no Tom, please. I-I'm sorry, please-" her sentence was cut off by a torturing spell. She screamed in agony, her knees buckled under her and she fell to the ground. Cries and whimpers left her mouth, Riddle was staring at her in disgust before he turned around and left the room.

Alvah's hands were shaking when she clutched her stomach, a tear trailed down her cheek as she brushed her hand over her little bump.

Talea woke up with a start. She was used to these dreams by now but she couldn't help the fear that settled in her stomach. Whenever she saw the blonde girl in her vision, she started to ask herself why she appeared over and over again? She was a part of Voldemort's past, she never understood what the visions wanted to tell her, why Alvah was so special but by now, a sinister suspicion crept into her mind.

She put on her clothes and left her dorm hastily, she didn't know how late it was exactly but she guessed that it was early in the morning as no one was out of bed. She pulled the black hood of her sweater up before grabbing her wand tightly and slipped out of the common room.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now