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~storm in her eyes peace in her smile~

~storm in her eyes peace in her smile~----------

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December's winds blew strongly through the trees, the snow dipped the world in a white glow. Still, I sat outside on a bench, surrounded by my friends. Lily's head leaned on James's shoulder while talking to Alice, he was grinning widely, enjoying the presence of his girlfriend. Remus and Eloise were in a deep conversation, not even noticing the similar grins on each other's faces while Peter and Marlene where off, grabbing food from the kitchens.

I was brushing through Sirius hair; his head laying in my lap, while I just enjoyed watching the others talking happily. Suddenly, Sirius sat up and I turned around to see his brother running in our direction. He wouldn't dare to be seen with his brother as he hated the attention of others, so what could possibly be important enough to make him run in our direction?

Regulus stopped in front of us, eying the others briefly before turning his gaze to us "You have to come with me, now. I found something about you know what."

When I stood up, I was met with confused glances but I just excused myself before walking off with the Black brother's. Regulus led us to an empty classroom and shut the door behind us.

"What's wrong?" asked Sirius, sending his brother a confused glance.

"Listen, you wanted to know, where the diary is, right?" I straightened up and nodded. "I was getting closer to Lucius the past weeks, I watched him and I never saw a notebook with him, so I looked in his dorm. I couldn't find it anywhere and had no idea what to do next, until I heard Narcissa and him talking in the common room, late at night." He walked over to the desk and leaned on it before continuing. "The diary is at the Malfoy manor, somewhere in his room. He told Narcissa about it, boosting about how Voldemort trusts him with something."

Sirius grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly before I asked "Does he know that the diary is a possible Horcrux?"

Regulus shook his head "No, he doesn't. He said that he looked through the book and every page was empty, he was confused about the purpose of hiding the diary, if there's nothing written in it."

Sirius nodded his head approvingly "Good job Reggie" his brother just nodded but I saw him smile nevertheless. "The only question is; How will we get into Malfoy Manor?"

Regulus head snapped up "You want to go in there?! Tell Dumbledore about it and let him figure it out."

"Dumbledore is gone" They turned their heads to me. "He's not in school, he's searching for something, I don't know what but I do know that we have to get this diary on our own. He isn't coming back until January and I don't want to waste time. Christmas holiday is in two days anyway."

Regulus stared at me; his eyes wide open "You want to break into Malfoy manor?" he let out a scoff "You've never seen it before and they are one of the most powerful wizard families in the whole world. There are several protection charms and guards that keep anyone out, who isn't invited."

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now