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~fear is temporary, regret is forever~

~fear is temporary, regret is forever~----------

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Rain drops were falling from the sky, like soft tears that were shed whenever darkness clouded your heart and soul. Mist was forming over the Hogwarts ground, creeping around the forests and fields when the Marauders sneaked out of the castle near midnight. The moon was rising but not at its highest point, silence surrounded them like a heavy blanket, covering Talea's feeling with tension.

There was something wrong, she knew it the second they stepped out of the castle onto the grounds. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was about to go terribly wrong and the tensed shoulders of the black-haired boy next to her aggravated the feeling. She didn't dare to voice her worries, knowing that Remus would only feel even more anxious than ever.

The group followed Peter into the shaggy hut, Talea noticed Sirius looking over his shoulder anxiously. The feeling increased, the more time they spend watching the moon rise. When the moon was at its highest point Remus started to bend over in pain, clutching his hands to his chest. The sound of whimpers and cries left his mouth when his bones started to break, his friends watched his transformation with pity in their Animagus forms.

His transformation went well and the night was passed without problems and when Talea thought that her gut feeling was wrong for once, Moony suddenly started to lash out. The werewolf started to growl and left scratch marks on the walls as he desperately scraped his claws down them. Talea send her friends an uneasy glance but only two of them noticed as Prongs was keeping Moony away from the entrance. Her vision blurred for a second before she was pulled into a puddle of blurry images.

Leaves scrunched beneath the feet of a person wandering on the castle grounds. Black hair blew in the wind and the boy tried to keep the rain from his face by shielding it with his arm. He walked up to the womping willow...

In their animal form it was easy to pick up the scents, surrounding them. The black dog rushed to the door, changing his appearance in the doorframe. Severus Snape was here, entering the womping willow. Talea rushed after him, motioning Peter to stay in the room. She followed the boy, still in her cat form and watched his panicked features.

"What are you doing here Snivellus?!" hissed Sirius. She hid behind a wall, listening to their conversation.

"You told me to come here to find of where your stupid friends are sneaking of every month!" exclaimed the Slytherin with raised voice.

"I didn't thought that you would take it serious! Go away Snape-"

"No, what are you hiding behind this door? I bet it's something to get you expelled!"

Sirius panicked voice echoed through the hallway "Snape, I swear you have to get out of here it's dangerou-"

He was interrupted by the sound of a smashed door; a clawed paw gripped the door frame and the werewolf appeared. Talea had never seen him so upset, this was definitely not good. Where was Prongs?
"Get out of here Snape, now!" Sirius yelled. Talea came out of hiding and she saw Snape being pushed out of the room by Sirius with a face full of fear.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now