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~grief is love not wanting to let go~

~grief is love not wanting to let go~----------

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TW: suicide letter (you'll know where it starts)

Grief changes, it never ends. It's not a place to stay it's more of a passage, you move on and go through different phases of emotions. Grief isn't a sign of weakness, nor is it a lack of faith, it's the price of love. 

And Talea wishes that Regulus would be right by her side right now and she regrets that she even dared to put him in danger but he wanted to be part of this, he wanted to prove himself. She wishes that she could jump back in time to rescue him from any danger. But she couldn't. 

The funeral was a week later, Dumbledore told everyone that Regulus died because of an illness. Talea wanted to scream out that he died as a good person, a person that sacrificed himself in order to help winning this war. But again, she couldn't. 

Sirius Black stood secluded from all the scared 28 members that came to the funeral, faking their grief for a boy not one of them knew truly, just as the rest of the marauders. Dumbledore said it was a risk to show up there, he feared that someone would grow suspicious of them but they refused to stay at Hogwarts, they didn't care if anyone saw them because it was the least Regulus deserved for his sacrifice. 

Sirius has been more reserved; his usual happy Aura was covered by darkness as he grieved for the loss of his brother. Knowing that his little brother wouldn't be at his side for quite some time. 

They watched as the empty coffin was lowered into the ground. Tears left Talea's eyes and her vision was blurred when she noticed that on the other side stood a girl in the shadows, raven hair fell over her shoulders as she watched the coffin with tears streaming down her face. Eira Jaeger, the muggleborn Regulus Black was hopelessly in love with. 

A crow settled near the Ravenclaw girl and the only thing Talea was able to feel at the moment was sadness and regret as Sirius intertwined their hands. 


It seemed like every light that was left was more and more soaked in by the darkness that had once settled and never seemed to leave. When spring slowly turned into summer even the warmth of the sun couldn't defeat the cold that settled in everyone's heart. Even though Sirius and everyone else slowly started to live with the loss of Regulus, the world was still dipped into darkness and the war was worrying everyone. The only light that was left for Talea was the presence of her friends or family. 

She was walking along the black lake, trying to find Eloise. She saw a blonde girl leaning on a tree and rushed towards her friend "Happy Birthday Eloise!" Her head shot up for a second before lowering again. 

Talea frowned as she arrived at the tree, slumping down next to Eloise, out of breath. It was only then that she realised the letter in her friends' hand and her quiet sniffles. She laid a hand on her shoulder "Hey, what's wrong Lou?" 

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now