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~ True love is friendship dripped in honey~

~ True love is friendship dripped in honey~----------

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N.E.W.T.s were coming up and surprisingly no one seemed to have a problem with drowning themself in work, causing them to forget about the darkness for a few moments. Talea was sitting in the library, reading through her potions notes while her hand brushed through Sirius hair. He passed out after a few hours of studying, his head resting on the table.

Peter simply stared at his Charms notes, looking as if he tried to absorb all the information by simply staring at the paper. Eloise head leaned on Remus shoulder, both of them learning Transfiguration while her cousin sneaked a piece of chocolate into his mouth every now and then.

Alice head was leaning on her arms while she zooned out and Marlene started to scribbled Dorcas name on the papers after a while. James, well James was studying Lily more than any of his notes but Talea didn't really expected anything else from him.

"Can we please do something else; I can't concentrate anymore" Talea's voice seemed to startle everyone. Remus was slowly reaching into his back to pull out another piece of chocolate when he asked "And what would that be?"

Talea shrugged "I don't know, go to the kitchens?"

Peter's head snapped up and he immediately started to put all of his stuff into his back "Yes, please and don't even try to find a better thing to do" he pulled his chair back and stood up "See you in the kitchens."

Talea smiled contently and hit Sirius with a book over his head arm slightly "Wake up we're going to the kitchens."

Sirius groaned sleepily and turned to James "Is this a normal behaviour in a relationship? I always thought the slapping was for other things in the bedroom."

James barked a laugh, only to be shushed by the librarian while Remus faced scrunched up in disgust and his voice was calm but threatening when he said "Don't you ever talk about things you do with my cousin again, ever."

Sirius gave him a nervous smile and thumbs up as if he just realised that Remus was sitting there. James let out a laugh and kicked Sirius foot under the table "Well done Padfoot."

Lily ignored the conversation and asked "Are we going to the kitchens now? I still have to learn Transfiguration, Charms and-"

She was cut off by Marlene who pulled her up roughly "Yes ginger, we're going now." Lily pushed Marlenes arm off with a laugh "Shut up blondie."

They walked down to the dungeons and tickled the pear. The portrait opened and they slipped into the cold kitchens without being caught. Peter already sat at the table, swinging his feet happily while munching some biscuits. The group pf friends settled down at the table and asked for more biscuits.

"So, what do you guys want to do after school?" asked James, he took a bite out of his biscuit and continued with a full mouth "Sirius and I are going to be Aurors! Defeating the bad guys, you know- Bam, Bam!" Lily stared at the boy with an expression as if she had lost all hope that his childish behaviour would ever go away.

"Yeah! We're going to be the best Aurors the Ministry ever had!" agreed Sirius and raised his biscuits as if it was a glass of wine. "To James and Sirius!"

James raised his biscuit "To James and Sirius!" Talea and Lily looked at each other before burying their faces in their hands.

"Well, I want to open a bakery in Diagon Alley" replied Peter while exanimating his biscuit. Marlenes head snapped up as she said "Yes please! I'm going to visit every day" she stopped and narrowed her eyes "If I get some free stuff there."

"Are you trying to blackmail me?"

"I would never, how dare you assume such thing-"

"Well," interrupted Eloise with a cough, her eyes widening when Marlene raised a butterknife "I think I want to work with Magical Creatures or- uh" she looked over to Remus "Fight for some of their rights."

Talea smiled, she liked Eloise and especially the fact that she couldn't imagine a better partner for Remus. He smiled but his face fall when he realised "Well, I suppose there aren't many options for me, seeing as people like me are somewhat disadvantaged."

"Well, if you can't find a job you can always work in my bakery!" suggested Peter, sensing the mood dropping. "Maybe you can bake chocolate muffins or biscuits."

Remus let out a laugh "I might take you up on that offer, but only if you don't use white chocolate." Peter sends him a thumbs up "I would never."

"Frank and I want to be Aurors too, he's already training for it" smiled Alice. Many people would underestimate Alice because of her sweet nature but Talea knew that she was capable of so much more and maybe that was the reason why she would be a great Auror.

"I think I want to work at St. Mungos one day" smiled Lily.

James frowned "Can you work part-time as an Auror? Because I don't know who's going to take care of our seven children."

Talea snorted and Remus just put his head into his hands. "Seven children?! I'm not going to birth seven children!" exclaimed Lily. "Find a way to get yourself pregnant and we talk about this again."

James smirked "So you want children with me?"

Lily threw her head back in annoyance, her cheeks red "Oh Merlin." Remus turned to Talea "What do you want to do after Hogwarts?"

She smiled and fiddled with her hands "I want to work as an Unspeakable." Sirius gripped one of her hands and place a kiss on the back before holding them under the table.

"What's that?" asked Peter.

"They work in the Department of Mysteries, no one really knows what exactly they're doing" answered Alice and looked over to Talea "Do you?"

She just shrugged and smirked proudly. James let out a groan "This seer stuff is getting on my nerves."

"Am I the only one that has absolutely no idea what they want to do after Hogwarts?" asked Marlene with a groan.

"I'm pretty sure you wanna do Dorcas" snickered Sirius. James started to laugh while Marlene raised her butterknife again "I'm not saying that this is not true but I still want to kill you for saying that."

The N.E.W.T.s were the most annoying thing Talea has ever witnessed. They were definitely nastily exhausting wizarding tests. The students would be tortured by exams that took ours every day and on top of that they were also tested practically by examinators. By the end of the week everyone was exhausted because of all the stress and the sleepless nights.

It was late in the evening when Talea stumbled back into the common room, she was barely able to keep her eyes open after the exhausting charms and Transfiguration tests. But instead of going to the girls' dorms, she decided to go up to the boys' dorms, not wanting to sleep alone in a bed tonight.

She opened the door quietly before slipping into the messy dorm. The boys had a different schedule for their exams, causing them to be already asleep when she walked over to Sirius bed. She tapped his arm and he let out a soft groan but lifted it when he saw her standing in front of his bed. She slipped under the covers and nuzzled her head into Sirius chest as he put an arm around her waist.

He kissed her forehead before mumbling "Is little Talea scared to sleep in her own bed?"

"Fuck off you brat."

Sirius chuckled quietly before placing a kiss on her temple "Love you too."

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now