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~The beginning of a wonderful time~

~The beginning of a wonderful time~----------

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The following day Talea was having a great sleep, well that was until the red-haired devil, Lily Evans herself, decided to wake her out of her heavenly slumber by opening the curtains of her bed, so the sun would shine through.

"Good morning Talea!" Lily chirped way too loud for Taleas liking.

"Go away Lils, let me sleep." She mumbled while pulling her sheets over her eyes and nuzzling into the comfort of her bed.

Lily chuckled, "It's the first day of school, we have to go to class."

"Or we could just skip. "Talea replied and heard Alice giggle.

"Fine if you don't want to get up yourself..."Lily complained and walked away.

Talea was simply happy about the fact that she was now able to have a little bit more sleep but these thoughts were disturbed when she was showered by a bucket of water.

"Lily fucking Evans you little devil!" Talea yelled as she dried herself off with a spell and threw a pillow at Lily in frustration.

"Sorry but I didn't want you to be late on your first day and I always wanted to do that." Lily laughed, chucking the pillow back at her.

After this peaceful interruption of her perfect morning, Talea put on her school robes but decided to put on her tie loosely, as she was unable tie it anyway.


They walked down to the great hall where the boys already sat. Talea started to put butter on her toast when she overheard the boys conversation. By now she was way to focused on her food to actually be weirded out by the topic.

Sirius decided it would be a great idea to ask if Thestrals are able to see each other. But it seemed like the simple question had turned into a heated argument, even after they had left the great hall to walk to their classes.

"I don't think they can... Listen, the first baby of the Thestrals dies and so the mother is able to see the other ones. Or the father?"

"But how would they make the babies if they aren't able to see each other?"

"Can you two please shut up?" Remus asked a little bit annoyed while adding a "Holy shit they are able to see each other." a few moments later.

"I know right?!"

Taleas first class was potions with some of the Slytherins where they repeated the stuff from last year, just like they did in Charms and DADA classes that followed after. When they had finished class, the boys showed Talea the castle, so she wouldn't get lost again like she did on her way to charms.

"Is anyone else in for a prank on Filch?" Talea asked as they were walking along the the black lake. She had found a slight disk like in the man when he had shouted at them for being to loud and disturbing his peace, just a few minutes after they had walked out of the charms classroom.

"Yes!" Sirius and James had yelled at the same time which caused Peter to flinch slightly.

Sirius and Remus were walking in front of Filch office and knocked at the door as the others quickly hid behind a statue and watched as Filch opened the door, confused by the interruption.

"Do you think that's funny? Annoying little kids" he grumbled and walked back to his office.

This was just enough time for Peter and James to throw a dung bomb into his office. The four boys ran away as quickly as possible, into a hallway on the right side of the corridor.
While Talea walked into the hallway calmly, her hands tucked into her pockets.

She watched with an amused grin as Filch ran out of his office, coughing.

"Have you seen four boys, Gryffindor robes, running in this hallway?" he asked, still coughing.

"Oh, he went that way" Talea said her fingers pointing in two different directions.

"Who did?"

"One of the boys."

"He did?"

"He did what?"

"Went that wa-"

"Who did?"

"One of the boys."

"Which boy?"

"Useless girl" Filch mumbled walking in the wrong direction.

When Filch was gone Talea turned around, laughing.

"Good job Talea, I like the way you think." Remus said between laughter.

"I think you would be a great business partner" James said smiling up to her, holding out a hand for her to shake.

Talea grinend and asked "And how do we call ourself?"

"James and the Potters"

"Merlin, no "

"No definitely not."

"No thank you very much."

"I would rather jump of a bridge" Remus replied with a disgusted look.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now