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~ spoiler, we die in the end ~

~ spoiler, we die in the end ~-----------

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Talea's steps echoes through the stairwell as she walked up to the room where the Order meeting was at. Her face was covered in an emotionless façade as she pushed the door open, everyone was already seated while she was the last one to enter. A few days have past and Sirius was already out of the hospital but now as she walked into the room and everyone turned into her direction, she wished to go back to that time.

Most of their faces were painted in confusion and wonder as she walked up to the end of the long table, where Dumbledore was supposed to sit. But his seat was empty.

Lily sends her a questioning glance, Talea was supposed to be here minutes ago but she didn't appear. Now as she was finally there, Benjy Fenwick was the one to ask the question everyone wanted to know the answer to "Where is Dumbledore?"

Talea's emotionless gaze wandered to him as she looked him in the eye "Dead."

Her voice echoes through the room, the silence was unbearable as the news settled in everyone's head. She looked into the shocked faces of her friends; her eyes followed a tear that rolled down on Alice cheek. She felt out of place, as if she was watching herself from afar. Nothing seemed real at the moment. Everything seemed like a fewer dream and she would wake up any moment now.

But it wasn't and as everything seemed to pass in slow motion, her mind went back to the things that had happened.

Talea felt cold as she rushed through the halls of Hogwarts castle. If Dumbledore wouldn't answer her letters, she would simply go and pay him a visit. There was no more time left to wait, especially with the news she would bring him. But as she walked through the familiar halls that were filled with students, she didn't felt the usual warmth but a sickening coldness settled in her body.

Memories flashed in front of her eyes, recalling the years she'd spent in this castle. She missed these times, the times when everything was good and she wasn't scared that she would lose a friend any moment soon. She missed the times when everything was simple, when her biggest problems were upcoming exams and what the house elves would serve for lunch.

She shrugged of her thoughts as she arrived in front of Dumbledore's office. She muttered a password that a student had told her and slipped up the familiar staircase. She knocked at the door and entered as the headmaster invited her in.

And there he was, the seemingly busy man, sitting in his chair, eating sweets. Anger flashed through her body as she stepped into the room.

"Talea. I didn't expect you today."

She walked up to his desk and sends him a glare "Well, you should have. Why didn't you answer my letters? There is so much important information while you just sit in your chair doing nothing!"

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now