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~ A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.~


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The week went well and Taleas friendship with the girls grew stronger, even though she spent a little bit more time with the boys, enjoying the constant bickering of the group and the familiar presence of her cousin.

Sirius, James and her sat in the common while James was rambling something about Lilys beauty. But Talea didn't really listened as she was focused on the chess game that was happening between Sirius and her. "Knight to E4" mumbled Sirius a little bit uncertain.

"That was a bad move, Siri darling." Talea said in a sweet tone while watching as his knight got crushed. James kept on rambling about Lily when Remus finally had enough and threw a potions book at him.

"Remus you little s-"

"Stop talking I want to read in peace."

James then turned to the other two and threw the same book at the chess board.

"Hey I was winning!" Talea exclaimed annoyed while throwing the book back to James.

"If I can't talk about Lily you can't have fun either" he said in a snappy tone.

"And what should we do in your opinion?" Sirius asked while he picks up the scattered figures.

James pretended to be thinking, one finger tapping against his chin and finally asked "Are you two going to the quidditch try-outs this year?"

"Yeah I'm trying for beater again." Sirius said

"I don't know I was a chaser at Beauxbatons but I haven't thought about it before."

"I think you should Talea, you are quite good and I want to win the cup this year." Remus
exclaimed while he put his book aside.

Talea had learned the hard way that her cousin seemed to be obsessed with winning the quidditch cup when he complained about Gryffindors loss the whole summer holidays. That was until Talea told him to play quidditch instead of inly complaining and he shut his mouth.

"I guess it's worth a try."


Quidditch try outs started early in the morning and Talea was walking to breakfast with Remus who had to pull her with him because she was still in her grumpy morning mood.

"Good Morning Sunshine" Sirius greeted Talea, way to happy for her liking.

The only answer she was able to get out of her moth was a grumpy " Piss off."

After a cup of coffee, Talea was in a better mood and walked over to the pitch with James and Sirius while Remus and Peter went up to the stands to watch the try outs.

The tryouts started when quidditch captain,Frank Longbottom yelled "Alright let's get started! We're going to split up into two groups! Half of you on that side and the other ones on that side" while pointing in the directions.

"This will be your team and you play against the other, so I am able to see your teamwork skills. I'll give five minutes for preparation and the game will last ten."

They mounted their brooms and played against each other. Talea was in the same team as James, Sirius, Benji Fenwick and three other girls. Luckily their team won but a few people had to go to the hospital wing.

"Okay now I'm going to judge your individual skills. Chasers over there, Beaters over here..."

By the end of the try outs Talea was completely exhausted even though she thought she did quite well.

In the evening there were the results, hanging out for everyone to see in the common room.

Talea didn't want to look at all, afraid that she had embarrassed herself but Sirius placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Talls, I'm sure you're in, I mean have you seen yourself play?"

"Thanks Siri."

"Stop calling me that" he said smiling.

"Never" Talea laughed and went forward to look at the results.

Gryffindor Quidditch Team
Keeper: Frank Longbottom
Beaters: Benji Fenwick, Sirius Black
Chasers: Fabian Prewett, Gideon Prewett, Talea Lupin
Seeker: James Potter
Reserve: Dirk Crosswell, Dorcas Meadows

"We're in!" Talea said while hugging Sirius tightly.

"See, I'm always right."

"No, you're not."


The days passed as Talea sat in charms class and asked James, "Where is Remus?"

James looked at her and replied "He is in our dorm, probably sleeping because of today's full moon."

The boys and her knew of Remus so called 'furry little problem', well Talea was told when she was a child and visited Remus every day after full moon to help him recover and healing his wounds. The guys found out in second year because they were suspicious of why Remus disappeared and was sick so often.

That evening the group sat in the common room because they refused to go to sleep before making sure that Remus was back safely.

"I wish there was something we could do for him" James said while doing his DADA homework, well was trying to do it but he wasn't able to concentrate.

"Yeah, so we could calm him down and make sure that he doesn't get hurt that badly." Sirius added.

"But it's too dangerous to go because he could scratch or bite us."

"Maybe there's a way to become immune to it."

"Wait." Talea jumped up from the couch and replied excited "James we need the invisibility cloak. Now."

Peter looked at her and said "I don't think this will help."

"No, of course not we need to go to the library I might know of something to help Remus."

"You do ?!" Sirius jumped from the couch while James ran up to his dorm taking two steps at a time.

"Yeah, but I'm not quite sure and it would be illegal and dangerous-"

"I'm in."

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now